Bennett Thomson

Junior Sub School Manager


Happy New Year to the North Geelong Secondary College community and I hope you had a restful holiday period. As we start the new year, we welcome our Year 7 cohort to the school and our Year 8 students back as well. 

Our Year 7 students received their Chromebooks at the information night run by Mr Quinn and are using these in their classes. 

Over the next week, students in Year 7 will be given a medical form for the upcoming camp in Alexandra in term 2. These must be filled out and returned to the Junior Sub-School Office. This event has also been placed on Compass and will be open for payment and the like shortly. 

There are also many lunchtime clubs and activities starting which all our students in Years 7 and 8 are more than welcome to join. 

The Team

Our Junior Sub-School Team is below. These are the staff that will be looking after the Year Levels in 2024 so please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Junior Sub School Manager:          Bennett Thomson

Year 7 Coordinator:                            Janelle Butler

Year 7 Assistant Coordinators:      Kellie Phillipps and Ben Holz

Year 8 Coordinator:                            Tara MacLeod 

Year 8 Assistant Coordinators:      Laura Melican and Ash O’Dowd

Attendance Officer:                            Letka Ristovski


Some notices for our Junior Sub-School Students and Parents.          

  • If students do not have a Chromebook or device of some kind, please notify the coordination team for the relevant year level. 
  • If students in Year 7 are yet to get their blazer, please let the Year 7 team know as well. 
  • Finally, any students that do not have access to Edrolo, please use the instructions on your students Google Classroom.