Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle 

Religious Education Leader 


Dear Prep, Year One and Year Two families, We invite you and your child/children to our upcoming Family Faith Night on Wednesday 6th March from 6-7pm at St Mary's Primary School called Prayers in Pyjamas. This event is an opportunity for students and their families to connect with each other and with the love of God. It is an important part of their faith journey at school and understanding how we can best love Jesus, others and ourselves. As the family is where faith is most fostered we encourage you to come and explore your own faith journey as the primary educators of your children through their faith life. We ask that you arrive with your child and meet in the Prep classroom just before 6pm. The children can wear either pyjamas or relaxed casual attire. 

The night will involve: 

Prayer together 

Meditation with Music

 Reflection using Art and 

the opportunity to ask Father Jerome questions 

Concluding with a prayer together.

 We look forward to seeing you there! 

Kind regards, 

Mrs Ferrari, Mr Speranza, Ms Earle, Mrs Borgese, Miss Raffaele and Miss Jacquie