Senior Learning Community

What a fantastic start to the year we have had in the SLC. We have seen our Year 6 leaders be fantastic role models for our younger students, particularly at our school swimming carnival. Just quietly, we are pretty happy with the staff victory in 'the' race. 


We have started borrowing books from our fantastic Library here at school. Our students visit the Library to borrow books once a week. They should be taking these books home and bringing them to school so they are developing a sense of accountability. 


We do encourage students in the SLC to be reading every night to consolidate skills and understanding from the classroom. It does not necessarily have to be a Library book but some reading material is beneficial. This may look like a magazine, newspaper or other item. 


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our Fete efforts so far. Our baskets look fantastic! Also to those who have been supporting our Fete contributions by selling or buying raffle tickets. 


Have a great fortnight.