Foundation Learning Community

We are looking forward to the children returning to school on Wednesdays as of next week.


The Foundation students have been practicing their Fete song lots in the last few weeks. We cannot wait for you to all see it. A number of the children have been asking if they can practice at home so if that is your child you can google - I like to sing: Justine Clarke.


Your child will continue bringing home their partner practice sheets each week. These are the sheets that have been practiced all week at school. 

An idea for a home activity: Your child can think of items that each animal would like (has to begin with that letter) and then play "Would Tim Turtle like... trains or buses" or "Would Peter Penguin like pigs or cats"


The children have started learning how to read some words this week. We have been learning how to 'chop and slide' words to be able to read them. Your child can show you what this means. There are some helpful hints for this in their Home Reading Journal.


Upcoming Dates: Teddy Bears Picnic - 20th March. Please refer to PAM for more information about this excursion.