
Saturday 16th March, 2023

Class performance times

One of the main attractions of Fete Day are our class performances. The students are super excited about performing for the crowds as a way of thanking them for supporting their school!



Year 610:00 am
Foundation10:30 am
Year 511:00 am
Year 111:30 am
Year 412:00 pm
Year 212:30 pm
Year 31:00 pm

Volunteer List

Our Fete volunteer roster has gone digital!!! Woohoo! It is located on the MySchoolConncect App (the App you do lunch orders on) via the My School Volunteer tab.

Follow the PDF instructions attached to volunteer.

My Schools Connect App Download LINK

Working With Children's Check

Applying or renewing your Working With Children's Check (WWCC) will take a maximum of 10 minutes. If you require any support in doing so please reach out to our Administration staff.

Applying for a  WWCC LINK

Renewing your WWCC LINK

Major Raffle

Please see the raffle ticket sales roster below. Head into the office to put your name on the list or phone the office to notify them when you can help out.

**Please return any sold or unsold raffle books by Tuesday 12th March, 2024. Thank you**


A very popular stall at our school fete is the Hamper Baskets. Each class in the school have been allocated a theme (please see below). We kindly ask that each child donates an item to place in their class basket related to their category by Friday March 8th. On Fete day, these baskets will be wrapped in cellophane and raffle tickets will be sold to win these baskets with all the goodies inside them! Thank you in advance for your generous donations.

 If you haven't brought your item in yet, there is still time. Hampers are being wrapped next Tuesday and Wednesday


Hamper categories for each class:

Foundation KO: Dress Ups

Foundation ST: Baby

1SG: Young Boy        

1HT: Young Girl      

1TA:  Bathroom & Laundry          

2NW: Garden

2KE: Mum

3FC: Party & Celebration

3NB: Pet

4MH: Dad, Fishing & Camping

4GK: Mystery Hamper (anything goes!!)

5VO: Kitchen

5EH: Sports, Games & Hobbies

6KN: Stationery

6SH: Art and Craft

Amusement Pre-paid Wristbands 

These will be available for purchase until Wednesday 13th March @ 3pm.

Price: $20

Unlimited rides and amusements.

Cake Stall

Cake stall plates were distributed today.


 Each family has been provided with a paper plate to contribute a baked good to the Cake Stall. Ideas include cup cakes, sponges, cakes, brownies, muffins, slices, honey joys, lamingtons, tarts, rum balls, yo-yos, ANZAC biscuits etc. Gluten Free items also requested.


Labels for your cake stall donation have been supplied. Please provide a clear description of your item, date prepared, & list any allergens (such as nuts, eggs and dairy) they contain. Remember, no cream please. Please do not provide ready-made items purchased from supermarkets or bakeries as we cannot sell these items.


Please return all baked goods on the paper plate with label to the school on Friday 15th March 2024 between 8:30-9:30am or 2:30-3:30pm. The coolroom will be located near the Year 6 Leadership Centre. Extra paper plates & labels are available at the office.

Recyclable Bags

The Fete Committee would be appreciative of any clean and in good condition recyclable bags that stall holders can use when selling their goods. These can be brought into the office from now until the Fete. Thank you!