Senior School News

Time flies, and we find ourselves already crossing the midpoint of Term 1 with remarkable speed.

Journey to Canberra: The Grade 6 Run-A-Thon Challenge

This week, the Grade 6 "Journey to Canberra" run-a-thon has energetically kicked off. Our ambitious goal is to collectively cover the impressive distance of 689 km from Sacred Heart to the Parliament House in Canberra in just five days. To achieve this feat, students are participating in optional early morning runs/walks at 8 am from Monday to Thursday, coupled with a mandatory 30-minute session each school day. The climax of our challenge was today with an all-day relay, ensuring continuous movement. The Grade 6 students have demonstrated tremendous resilience and determination and we are incredibly proud of them!

We're still welcoming sponsorships to support our trip, with options to contribute through our GoFundMe page []. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference.

In their quest to raise further funds, our Grade 6 students also organised a successful bake sale today, demonstrating their commitment and entrepreneurial spirit.

Academic Highlights

The academic scene at Sacred Heart is bustling with activities. Our Grade 6 scholars recently completed a math unit on whole numbers, mastering the skills of adding and subtracting integers, both positive and negative. This exploration sets a strong groundwork for future learning.

In English, our curriculum is designed to polish a wide range of skills, from morphology to writing syntax. This week, the focus was on the prefix "tele," enhancing vocabulary through practical exercises. Their exploration into the rules of apostrophe usage for singular and plural possession has been notably impressive.

Meanwhile, Grade 5 students have dived into the study of the root word "mono," exploring its versatility through suffix addition, which has broadened their linguistic insights and sparked a keen interest in the evolution of language. Their math studies continue to emphasize practical problem-solving skills, focusing on various addition and subtraction strategies.


Spiritual and Cultural Activities

 As we approach Holy Week, both Grade 5 and 6 students are immersing themselves in the gospel narratives and the Stations of the Cross, in preparation for our upcoming production on March 27th. This is a student written performance based on the Holy Week scripture explored during class.


Buddy Time: Fostering Mentorship and Friendship

Our Buddy Time program pairs Grade 5 and 6 students with younger peers, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. This initiative encourages older students to mentor their younger buddies, aiding in their transition and promoting a sense of community within the school. Through activities like shared reading and collaborative projects, students develop empathy, leadership skills, and a sense of responsibility.

This mentorship program not only helps younger students navigate their new school environment with confidence but also empowers older students to become compassionate leaders. It’s a celebration of mutual learning and respect, reinforcing Sacred Heart’s commitment to kindness and cooperation. Buddy Time is a cornerstone of our school culture, embodying the spirit of support and inclusivity that defines our community.

Karate Incursion

Our school-wide karate workshop this week was a hit, especially with the senior students. Information on joining the ongoing karate program, scheduled for Tuesday mornings, is available upon request.

Looking Ahead

We're rooting for our swimmers at the upcoming Dendy Interschool Swimming Sports. Good luck to all participants!

Stay tuned for more stories of success and exploration from Sacred Heart.


Important Dates This Term:

  • Long Weekend: March 7th - 11th
  • Grade 5 NAPLAN: March 13th - 25th
  • Athletics Day: March 15th
  • Grade 6 Canberra Camp: March 19th - 21st
  • Stations of the Cross: March 27th
  • Last Day of Term: March 28th

For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher:

  • Darcy Bull:
  • Dara Blake:
  • Bec Maddocks:
  • Jayne McKay:
  • Trent Thiessens:

Looking forward to a term filled with learning and growth,


Until next time,

Jayne Mckay

Senior Leader