Year -1/2 Unit

We’ve had a great couple of weeks in the 1/2 Unit! On Monday all of the 1/2 classes ventured down to the Woodend Children’s Park to gain some inspiration for their Personal Narrative writing. All of the students had such a fantastic time! They have begun writing their stories using their experiences as inspiration. Here are some thoughts from our visit from 1/2R students:
“I went on the bars and I went on the flying fox. I also went on the slide. It was fun because then I could play with my friends” - Poppy.
“I enjoyed standing up on the flying fox” - Vivi
“ I had fun in the big tree log. I played shops because there was a hole in there and we pretended there was money and burgers in there.” - Charlie
“I enjoyed the flying fox because it was fun. Jim pushed me down the flying fox.” - Willow
“I enjoyed playing on the monkey bars because I just love the monkey bars.” - Mia
The students also had a visit from Marie from the Kyneton Swimming Pool. She had a chat with the students about water safety in preparation for their visit over the next couple of weeks. They are very excited about going to the pool and learning how to stay safe in the water. Please make sure you are aware of when your child is attending as they have been spread over 3 weekly visits.
Year 1/2 Teachers
Debbie Thompsopn (12T)/Greer Arnold, Lyndsay Adamson (12A),
Zoe Sutherland (12S)/Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont (12B)/Greer Arnold,
Katherine Richardson (12R)