Year 3 - Middle Unit

Hello lovely Year 3 families - we’ve been learning lots over the past few weeks. Let us tell you about it!
The Year 3 students have been learning to write personal narratives over the last month, and over the last two weeks we have been investigating hooks (how authors grab the reader with their opening sentences) and also transition words that take us from one part of a story to another. We have been using books from both the school and classroom libraries to find great examples of hooks to use in our writing.
We used all this fantastic knowledge to have a go at authoring our own personal narratives, using a moment from our lives to ‘explode’ and turn into a great piece of writing. We will move into publishing them next week!
In Numeracy, we have finished up our 'place value' unit and have begun to learn about measurement! This week, we have begun examining units of measurement and how we use them to measure length and capacity.
There’s been lots of hands-on measuring, as well as some questions that have students practising their problem-solving skills!
Finally, if you want to practise some maths skills at home, we have a collection of games that reinforce concepts taught at school. This week’s game is Double Hat-Trick, and a YouTube clip of how to play can be found here: or by searching ‘Double Hat-trick by Michael Minas’ on YouTube. Have fun!
Home Reading
The Year 3 teachers have been very proud to see lots of fantastic home reading happening amongst the three grades. We would just like to take this opportunity to remind parents to fill out and sign their child’s reader diary as they complete their reading. The expectation is that students will read a MINIMUM of 4 nights a week. Teachers check the reader diaries once a week - 3AD and 3SQ on Friday and 3MC on a Monday.
Students are building their independence by being responsible for changing their readers on their own when they come into the classroom every morning. Once a week they will receive 5 new readers in their reader boxes for use over the next week.
Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to your child’s reading. We appreciate it!
Open Classroom Afternoon
Last Friday afternoon we had the pleasure of welcoming families onsite for an open afternoon. The Year 3 students read ‘My Country’ by Ezekiel Kwaymullina and used watercolour paints to create an artwork that reflected our favourite things we do on our country. The results were gorgeous and will be displayed on a window that overlooks the bottom of the school shortly. Be sure to check some of the artwork out below!
This is a gentle reminder that NAPLAN testing will be taking place next Wednesday - Friday. For a timetable of testing, please see the Compass note Mrs Campbell sent out on February 28th (last week).
Year 3 Teachers
Ashleigh Dodds (3AD), Mark Condon (3MC)/Juliet Smith, Sally Quinn (3SQ)