Curriculum, Learning & Engagement

Leading Teachers

SWPBS- Bee Token Acknowledgement System

Since we implemented SWPBS in 2018 we have built on our School Wide Acknowledgment System. After much consideration we have decided to further embed our processes with greater accountibility and accumulated, ongoing rewards. This week we launched our NEW Bee Token Acknowledgement System across all year classes. Each student received a Mumumbara Token Booklet.

Mumumbara translates to bee in Dja Dja Wurrung Language.


When students show positive behaviour they receive a Bee Token. The students then have the responsibility to put this sticker into their own booklets and to take care of their own booklets at school.


Students are working towards value targets to choose something from the Bee Token Menu after 10 bee tokens, 20 bee tokens, 30 bee tokens, 40 bee tokens and 50 bee tokens. Students also add to their classroom bee hive with each 10 bee points that a student receives, contributing to a piece of honeycomb on the class bee hive. Once classes have reached 30, 50 and 100 pieces of honeycomb, they also have a class reward which each of the different classes agreeing to..


Students will also be acknowledged at assembly with the Mumumbara Award.

  • Mumumbara Bronze Award= 25 Individual Bee Tokens
  • Mumumbara Silver Award= 50 Individual Bee Tokens
  • Mumumbara Gold Award= 100 Individual Bee Tokens

I look forward to sharing more with you in the next fortnight with what each class is working towards.

Kylie Minchew

Leading Teacher- Inclusion, Learning and Engagement