From the Office

Swimming in Schools Initiative
The Department of Education’s Swimming in Schools initiative is designed to increase opportunities for students to learn how to swim, and ensure they develop lifelong skills in swimming and water safety.
For several years our younger students have participated in an Aqua Aware Swim Safety program which will continue in 2024, however this year we have expanded the program to include all students in years 3 – 6, whereby students will attend the Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre for an intensive ‘Swim & Survive Program’, for 5 sessions over 1 week.
We have been fortunate to secure bookings at the pool for May with the dates for each year level listed below.
- May 6 – 10 – Year 4
- May 13 – 17 – Year 3
- May 27 - 31 – Year 5 & 6
There is no cost to parents for instruction or bus transport.
Further information will be issued via Compass, closer to May. This will include a Level Assessment Form which will allow the swimming coordinator to group the children based on their swimming/water abilities.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form.
If you applied for CSEF at THIS school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
- new student enrolments; your child has started AT THIS SCHOOL or changed schools this year.
- changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.
A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families.
Don’t forget to apply for younger siblings who have just started school.
Don’t forget to apply for younger siblings who have just started school.
Some students attending this school will be eligible for a Conveyance Allowance.
Eligibility Criteria:
The allowance will be paid in two instalments and to be eligible a student must:
- Be aged between 5 yrs and 18 yrs;
- Live more than 4.8 km by the shortest practicable route from the NEAREST school attended AND live more than 4.8 km from the nearest DEECD funded bus service stop;
- Be enrolled at the nearest or next nearest government school.
NB - The distances from home to school are automatically calculated as part of the application process and the DEECD Student Conveyance Allowance System distances will override parent advised figures.
Amount and Payment Method:
The annual amount payable is determined by the mode of transport, the distance travelled from home to school and the number of other students travelling in the same car.
Application Forms:
A separate form is to be completed for each student and these are available from the school office. Only one application is required for a student’s enrolment at school.
Please direct any enquiries re either of these allowances to Sue Turner at the school office.
Our local IGA has already been a supporter of our school and fundraising efforts.
If you become a Ritchies Card Member, you will not only receive their latest weekly specials but if you nominate Woodend PS as part of the Ritchies Community Benefit Program, the school will receive a percentage of total parent sales for the month*. (conditions apply)
Please see the picture here for info on how to become and member and start helping our school.
Thank you to those families who have already made contributions towards the below listed amounts. If you’re not sure if you have paid or not, please check your QKR app under ‘Activity’, on the screen where you choose the school. Towards the end of Term 1, school account statements will be issued which will show all payments received to date for 2024 and any credit amounts (money we owe you). If you haven’t paid anything for this year or don’t have a credit on your account, we are unable to issue a statement.
Official receipts for donations to the Building and Library Fund (which are tax deductible) will be issued later in Term 2 or early Term 3.
Payment methods - Via QKR (free app) – for payment of Booklist, Netbook Program, Carlsruhe Bus, School Improvement Fund and Building & Library Fund Contributions.
QKR is also used for Canteen & Uniform Shop orders.
CURRICULUM CONTRIBUTIONS items and activities that students use, or participate in, to access the Curriculum | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Booklist Requisites - ALL requisites for students in ALL year levels, will be bought in bulk for 2024.All items have been purchased in bulk at the best possible price and will be made available for students as required during the school year. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Netbook & BYOSD Program – (Yr 4,5 & 6 only) - Woodend Primary School is committed to providing learning environments that will engage our students and provide independence and flexibility in their learning.We believe students should be able to learn in teams, collaboratively, as a class, a whole community or alone. Our Netbook Program aims to expand the learning environment beyond the walls of the classroom. It gives students the capability to collaborate, share information and experiences and take control of their learning in ways not previously possible, whilst also preparing them for 21st century learning. Year 4 & 5 students are invited to participate in the BYOSD program. Year 6 students are invited to lease a device. The listed fee covers the cost of using the device and technical support for the year. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS - for non-curriculum items and activities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Carlsruhe Bus – (Yr 4 only) - the cost of transport to and from our Carlsruhe Annexe, 4 days a week, will be $110 per child. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
School Improvement Fund Woodend Primary School continues to welcome your voluntary contributions to support our school. This year’s contributions will once again be channelled to the classroom/education, grounds, buildings & the library, which were the areas identified in the 2019 parent survey. Payments can be made via Qkr and the recommended amounts this year are based on a family rather than per student. When entering the ‘School Improvement Funds’ menu on Qkr you will be asked to select the number of children. The recommended fees are listed below or select a different amount if that is what you wish to contribute. $150 for one child............................. $265 for two children....................... $350 for three children.................... Tax deductible contributions If you would like to claim a tax deduction, please direct your contribution to the Building and/or Library Fund, NOT the School Improvement Fund. A separate receipt for tax purposes can only be issued for donations to either the Building or Library Fund. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Extra-Curricular Items and Activities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woodend Primary School offers a range of items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are above and beyond what the school provides, in order to deliver the Curriculum. These are provided on a user-pays basis.
Excursions and Camps – Throughout the year, excursions and camps may be organised for specific year levels. Details will be provided via Compass when an event has been scheduled.
Instrumental Music Program - Various outside tutors provide tuition to students on a wide range of instruments. The program is an extra-curricular activity where participation is optional and tuition fees are set by and paid direct to the music tutor. Please contact the school for further information.
Instrument Hire – The school owns a variety of instruments which are available for hire, if participating in the Instrumental Music Program. Please contact the school for further information. |
Lost Property
A scooter has been handed into the office. If you believe this is yours, please come up to the office to identify and (hopefully) claim.
Business Manager
Sue Turner