Parents and Friends Association

Easter Raffle
The PFA is once again running the ever-popular annual Easter Raffle! Tickets available on Qkr! - $2 each, or 3 tickets for $5! Get in quick - it’s less than 3 weeks away!
Ticket sales close on March 26th, Raffle drawn March 27th. Enjoy your treats two days later in the Easter holidays!
Spring flower fundraiser - only 3 weeks left!
Fill your garden with spring colour! The PFA has teamed up with Tesselaar for a bulb fundraiser - just place your order using the special link and the school will receive 40% of the proceeds.
Order link:
Orders close on Thursday 28 March, and bulbs will be sent out as soon as orders are received. You can browse a paper catalogue at the office if you prefer that to online.
WPS Parents and Friends Association (PFA) Annual General Meeting - This Tuesday!
The PFA is a friendly bunch of parents who meet monthly to arrange school fundraising activities and social events and would love you to join us. It can be a great way for new parents to the school to meet other parents and take and active part in supporting our school!
Our next meeting is our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 12th March at 7.30pm (in the Grade 4 classrooms - the portables at the top of the school, near the office) where all current elected positions will be declared vacant. Elected positions include,
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Class Rep Liaison
- Communications Liaison
Nominations for the above positions can be sent through to the Secretary - prior to the AGM.
Note that you don’t need to be elected to participate in the PFA, just to hold one of the Office bearer positions. Anyone is welcome to join the committee.
If you would like further information on any of these roles or would like to chat and find out more about the PFA please email
Recent Activities
Last Friday, on a rare lovely, warm afternoon, the PFA sold ice creams and zooper doopers on the school oval at the Welcome to School picnic. Frozen treats were in high demand, and $172 was raised for the school! Thanks to Anna and Mikkel for organising, Krista for supply chain work, and Jennie and Sarah who came down and helped sell icy treats!
Facebook Pages
There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS. Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School Parents and Friends' Community
(You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school. Membership requests with unanswered questions will be rejected)
Thank you,
PFA Communications
Mikkel Mynster