Foundation Unit

This week, the students participated in our very first session of PMP (Perceptual Motor Program). PMP is program that helps to develop children’s gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Students were balancing, jumping and throwing this week. Thank you to those who have volunteered to assist us with the program. If you would like to help please find the link on Compass.
During the past fortnight, students completed a fine motor activity where they had to work collaboratively to colour, paint and cut out dinosaurs. The lesson also focused on working together and solving problems fairly. Students practised playing rock, paper, scissors and also discussed ways to be kind and include others.
This week students started learning the letters e, r and u. Students are practising forming the letter correctly and sounding out these sounds in writing. The students have also been practising blending words with these sounds in them each morning.
In Maths, students have been investigating the number 10. Students have been trying to make 10 using two colours to see what two numbers make 10. They were asked to organise the counters to make it easy for someone to count. Students have also been practising how to record this in their books.
In Writing, students have begun summarising Fairy Tales. The students had to write about the beginning, middle and end of the story. They are now going to brainstorm and rewrite a different ending to the story.
In Reading, students have continued to practise pointing to each word as they read. Students have been introduced to a reading strategy called ‘Get Your Mouth Ready’ which encourages students to make the beginning sound of a words as they are reading. Students have also been developing their understanding of connections between themselves and a text as well as predicting what a text could be about.
Foundation Teachers
Libby Cannon (PLC), Courtney Lawrence (PCL)/Juliet Smith, Bree Smith (PBS)