School Noticeboard

Awards Week 5
Luella Cameron - Leader’s Award
Justin Cameron - Wonderful behaviour when Mrs Savill was away.
Caleb Hiles - For being a good role model in gardening.
Awards Week 6
Tameera Sharpley - Principal’s Award for giving 100% in all tasks.
Lestat Treffen - for making good choices in the playground
Annabelle Bird - Principal’s Award for always completing tasks to a high standard.
Kylirrah Rotherick - for always following instruction and a Leader’s Award for trying hard in cross country.
Elijah Sullivan - for adding details to his writing.
Charlotte Donohoe - for writing independently.
Library News
K/P/1/2 Wednesday
Year 3-6 Friday
Please remember to bring your Books and Library Bags each week.
Contact Numbers
Phone: 07 4665 0133
Mobile Phone: 0436 948 675
Absence Line: 07 4665 0276
Fax: 07 4665 0239