Principal's Address

Week 7

Welcome to Week 7.  

We are over halfway through the term, and it is starting to get super busy.  I would like to personally thank the Moonie Sports Club for hosting an incredible event on the weekend.  The Yabbie Races were well organised, engaging and fun for the whole community.  Congratulations to everyone involved. It was a brilliant day!


This week we are attending a seed workshop at the RTC and the Deadly Australians team are visiting; please do not forget to return your permission slip.  Also, this week we have Mr Stephen Bobby visiting our school.  Mr Bobby is a Senior Principal Reviewer who will be supporting Moonie State School through our School Led Review.  Whilst I am working with Mr Bobby, we are lucky to have Sarah Giltrow looking after the Year 3-6 class. 


Principal Award Winners

The week 5 Principal Award recipient was Tameera Sharpley for always persevering to complete every task.  The week 6 recipient is Annabelle Bird for completing her work to a high standard. Both students have requested chocolate milkshakes. Congratulations ladies!



In weeks 8 and 9, the Year 3 and 5 students will undertake the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). They will be completing 1 test a day which is timetabled below.  Please ensure your children have had a hearty breakfast on these days.  They will be provided some snacks during the test if required.  If your child is ill on the test day, there is some possibility for make-up tests to be completed on the following days.  Please review the timetable below and contact me if you have any questions.  All year 3 and 5 parents should have received an email with information regarding NAPLAN.  If you did not get that email let me know and I will resend it. 


School photo envelopes have been sent home today.  Please fill them out and send to school before 18th March.



Each week the Year 3-6 students are challenged with a Brainteaser of the week to encourage lateral and creative thinking.  This week I have 2 brainteasers for parents and community. The first person to email me with the correct answer for each Brainteaser will win a block of chocolate. 


                      Brain Teaser 1 

A man is looking at a photograph of someone. His friend asks who it is. The man replies, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who was in the photograph?

                      Brain Teaser 2

Forrest left home running. He ran a ways and then turned left, ran the same distance and turned left again, ran the same distance and turned left again. When he got home, there were two masked men. Who were they?


Until next time,




Seeking information as we plan towards the future at Moonie State School.



Is your child born between July 2020 & June 2021?  If so, they will be eligible for Kindy in 2025


Is your child born between July 2021 & June 2022? If so, they will be eligible for Kindy in 2026


If you answered yes to either of the above situations we would love to hear from you.

This information will be of great benefit to us planning for the future of our wonderful school.

Please phone the office on 46650133.

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