Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome and welcome back to 2024
I wish to welcome back all staff, students and families for the 2023 school year. We have officially welcomed our new Year 7 students as well as a large number of new students across Years 8 to 12.
I wish to formally acknowledge and welcome all of our new staff joining our college community in 2024:
- Fahim Arabzada – Humanities/Maths/Generalist
- Loania Ausage – Instrumental Music (Voice)
- Leana Bailey – VM/Y12 Team Leader/Careers
- Jacqueline Cleary – Librarian
- Niamh Crosbie – Humanities
- Jess Fagan – English/Literacy
- Annette Gardner – Maths/Science
- Kelly Hatfield – English/EAL
- Troy Hickmott – Health/PE/Maths
- Bridget Hofing – Health/PE/Y7 Team Leader
- Kamal Kaur – Maths/Literacy/Tutor
- Sarah Litsas – English/Humanities
- Richard Naylor – Instrumental Music (Guitar/Bass)
- Sarah Rahman – Maths/Science
- Tajallah Sadaat – Reception
- Kate Stone – Learning Specialist: Inclusive Practices
- Rubi Sultani – Wellbeing (Educational and Developmental Psychologist)
- Grace Terdich – Leading Teacher: Sub School Leader
- Tigi Thilangika – Maths/Science PRT
Staff and Student Start Up Programs
As we do each year, we commenced the 2024 school year with a staff start up program of one day. Over the course of this day, staff worked together to unpack our 2024 goals and targets, review and refresh on important whole school policies and processes and undertook professional learning. Our focus for professional learning was positive classroom climates and how staff can use entry and working protocols to create positive learning spaces. It has been great to see many teachers using this to bring classes into their learning spaces and will no doubt support us in making sure we make every minute of learning time count.
Our students engaged with start up programs at each year level ranging from 1 day to 3 days in length. Students engaged with important lessons to help them get set up for success, including ICT sessions, goal setting activities and even fun home group challenges to connect back together after the holidays. This contributed to a really positive start for the 2024 school year.
2024 Annual Implementation Plan
For 2024, our main priorities are focused under the three headings of Learning, Engagement and Wellbeing (see summary below). Importantly, the work under these actions is not new work for our college, but rather building on the fantastic work and growth we have achieved in the last two years. Activities related to these actions will feature heavily in our work and communications as a school over the course of this year.
Holiday works and upgrades
Whilst our students and staff were enjoying their summer holiday break, we had a number of improvements to our physical buildings and facilities occurring. I wish to thank our Business Manager Mr Craig Kendall, as well as our Maintenance Team Mr Colin Mallows and Mr Ethan Jobson for their hard work and time to get these works completed, as well as ensure our spaces were ready for staff and students on day 1 of the year.
A summary of facilities works and improvements included:
- B1 and B3 – new table tops and stools
- A6 – new stools for students
- A5 – seats on student stools replaced
- New lockers delivered in C Block and repainting of locker bay
- New media laptop trolley installed
- Gym courts cleaned and re-sealed
- Replaced garden retaining walls
- Repainting of exterior Staff Room to Library
- Re-surface gravel roadway behind courts
- Tram for Hands On Learning – ground works completed and tram delivered
- Concrete walkways – grinding of surfaces
- Air conditioners in several spaces
- Sub school offices re-furnished
- Lounge space in E Block relocated
- Roof and gutter issues being addressed in a number of locations.
Ms Eloise Haynes