From the Acting Head of College

Mr Charles Brauer

How do we know when it’s dawn?

Is it when we can see the outline of a tree?

Or is it when we can tell the difference between a black and white thread? No. And no. Dawn happens when we look into the eyes of a stranger and then see a brother or sister. This awakening opened our Marist Staff Spirituality Day yesterday. This day was far more than just a Student Free Day. It's vital formation time for our staff, both personally and professionally.


From a professional perspective, teachers in Catholic schools are required to experience and undertake annual professional learning in the area of Catholic spirituality. Hence the dedicated time yesterday. From a personal perspective, staff of Catholic schools are encouraged to leverage this professional experience to enrich their vocation as a teacher within the Mission of the Catholic Church and Marist tradition. Or the other way around of course!


Our staff were guided through a range of topics and experiences by Br Michael Callinan and Justin Golding, key staff of the Marist Formation Team. The central theme of our time together was 'First Light' - our annual Marist theme. We were asked to Seek the Light by reframing our conditioned negative bias by "changing our lens" to celebrate what is right and good with the world. We were challenged with Being the Light in our interactions with others, or as Catholic icon Fr Bob succinctly puts it - "If it's dark, light a candle!".


Our Catholic tradition is full of many rich metaphors and stories, including that of Mary Magdalene. A key message for me from yesterday's experience was that provided by Good Samaritan Sister Patty Fawkner. She sums up the character of Mary Magdalene as - not a fighter, not a fleer, not a flincher. A person of integrity, endurance and courage. What a great role model for our staff to be for our young people and our Marist Family!


As we march forward through our first term together for the year, and further into our Lenten journey, may we continue to consider how we can be light for others. We may need to look into the eyes of a stranger, light that candle or change that lens. As ancient Rabbi Samuel ben Nahman reminds us - 'We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.'

Learning and Teaching

Students buzzing around the College grounds is a usual occurrence. Seeing them in pursuit of a maths problem in the same manner hasn't been - until last Friday. Maths students from across Years 7-9 participated in the Amazing Race Challenge and the Escape Room program. This saw students racing around the College cracking codes, solving maths problems and maths riddles. It was so great to see the boys engaged in such a way, affirming the importance of providing such opportunities for our students. Thank you to the staff who made this possible - Sharon Davidson (Curriculum Leader - Mathematics), Melissa Deacon (Program Leader - Academic Equity), teachers and school officers Doug Perrers, Kylie Bowman, Anntoinette Restell and Alice Wigans. 


A reality faced by all students at this time of Term 1 is the undertaking of assessment. Be it in draft form or final form, assessment for each subject is well and truly underway. Each student should have established and enacted a daily homework and weekly study routine, and be continuing to find the right balance with family, social and activity commitments. The ASH lessons of each year level, each week, have provided an opportunity for students to be guided through the best ways to establish homework and study routines. It's not too late to rebalance in the direction of priorities, of which homework and study is a key priority at this point of the term. Our teaching staff, Academic Care Team and Pastoral Team are available for to assist students and families with this. Be sure to reach out to these key staff at this key time for support in this vital area.

Pastoral Care and Formation

City Hall was filled on Saturday night with a wonderful display of colour, energy and hospitality as our Year 12s and their partners celebrated the Formal. The manner (combined with the sophisticated styles on display!) by which our Year 12s embraced this special social occasion was excellent. A heartfelt thank you to Kelly Byrnes for making the night a special occasion for all, with every small detail considered, including making space for the endless stream of fancy car drop-offs and red carpet entry!

Our Congratulations

Ben Mead (Year 11 H) has been advised by Honourable Di Farmer MP, Minister for Education and Minister that he has been selected as a member of the Queensland Ministerial Student Advisory Council. Ben is one of 18 young people selected from across Queensland for membership on the council which advises the government on important youth matters, including; cyberbullying; mental health and wellbeing; equity and excellence; respectful relationships education and consent; and virtual learning and mobile phones in schools. Congratulations Ben on this appointment. We wish you well on this important endeavour.


We also congratulate Liam Bourke (Year 12 E) who has been successful in his audition for the National Youth Wind Ensemble of Scotland program in July. This program is a partnership between the Open Conservatorium, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Scotland, UK giving students an opportunity to work with their Scottish and International peers. Liam has been a dedicated member of our Music program since Year 5. Since being suggested the oboe in Year 5, Liam hasn’t looked back! Rather, he's pursued this interest with much commitment and energy. We look forward to supporting Liam with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Safe Travel and Parking

With the normalisation of student travel home and the concentration of sport training occurring before and after school, it's imperative each of us meet our responsibilities with respect to safe driving and car parking. Please ensure you follow all signed parking instructions. By way of example, parking over yellow lines along the Glenlyon Road exit to the College causes much congestion and is unsafe for our students, neighbours and other drivers. Each afternoon Frasers Road sees a number of buses, cars and student pedestrians from both Marist and surrounding schools. Your support with and driving through this area with an extra level of awareness and care will greatly assist in a safe passage home for all.


May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.

College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
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College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
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College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
Primary School - Pizza Party Winners
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Primary School - Pizza Party Winners
Primary School - Pizza Party Winners
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1st XI Cricket
1st XI Cricket
1st XI Cricket
6B Cricket
6B Cricket
9A Cricket
9A Cricket
9A Volleyball
9A Volleyball
9A Volleyball
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
College Assembly - 2023 ATAR Awards
Primary School - Pizza Party Winners
Primary School - Pizza Party Winners
Primary School - Pizza Party Winners
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1st XI Cricket
1st XI Cricket
1st XI Cricket
6B Cricket
6B Cricket
9A Cricket
9A Cricket
9A Volleyball
9A Volleyball
9A Volleyball


Upcoming Events

Tuesday 27 February

  • Hospitality LIVET Program - Group 1 - RACV Royal Pines
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • House Meetings Years 5-12
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec

Wednesday 28 February

  • Hospitality LIVET Program - Group 1 - RACV Royal Pines
  • Community Mass
  • Year 12 Sport and Recreation visit to Vic Park
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec
  • College Assembly
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal – Draney Theatre

Thursday 29 February

  • LIVET Program RACV - Group 2 - Royal Pines
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Computer Lab
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Pastoral Group - Paper Recycling
  • Environment Group Meeting Break 1B - Room 801
  • Year 12 MSM v Marist Netball @ MSM
  • Music Photos - Draney Theatre
  • Premier Concert - Draney Theatre

Friday 1 March

  • LIVET Program RACV - Group 2 - Royal Pines
  • AFL Photos - Break 1
  • Swimming Photos - Break 1
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • College Mass - Break 1
  • Clean Up Australia Day Event
  • AIC AFL Opens Round vs 5 St Patrick’s College
  • Year 6 Parent Function

Saturday 2 March

  • AIC Round 5 v St Patrick’s College (H)
  • 1st XV Rugby Union Pre-Season Camp

Sunday 3 March

  • 1st XV Rugby Union Pre-Season Camp
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal
  • Clean up Australia Day
  • Boarders Mass’ - Chapel

Monday 4 March

  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Student Leader Forum - Room 401
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal

Tuesday 5 March

  • AIC Swimming Championships - (Year 12 attending as supporters
  • Year 12 Sport and Rec Vic Park
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec
  • FareShare Charity Kitchen Visit
  • Old Boys Meeting

Wednesday 6 March

  • Year 8 Pastoral Day: Ridley, Foley, Harold, Rush
  • Mass in Chapel
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • College Assembly
  • Year 12 University Showcase - Draney Foyer
  • Years 11 and 12 University Showcase - Draney Foyer

Thursday 7 March

  • Year 8 Pastoral Day Ephrem Gilroy Ignatius Slattery
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Year 12 SOR Ethics Incursion – Draney Theatre
  • St Vincent de Paul Meeting - Room 801

Friday 8 March

  • International Women’s Day
  • Head of College Tour
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec
  • Secondary AFL Photos
  • Year 10 Cert II Outdoor Rec
  • AIC AFL Round 6 v St Laurence College

Saturday 9 March

  • AIC Round 4 v St Peters Lutheran College
  • Cricket / Volleyball Photos

Sunday 10 March

  • Rugby Union 1st XV Trial
  • Boarders’ Mass (Chapel)