School Captain News 

Welcome to Term 1 Week 4


Things Happening In Week 5:

  • Parent Teacher Conversations Tuesday and Thursday 3.30 pm - 7.30 pm
  • Prep 2025 Tours Thursday Morning
  • Friday Year 6 Inter School Sports
  • Friday - Clean up OLPS Day (Nude Food)

Yard Slips:  

Last week's winners were: Sara from 2B and Marah from 5A for being responsible.

This week's winners are:  Nayan from 5A and Maritta from 3B for being responsible.


Behaviour Bucks:

Last week's class winners were 2B with 31 points and 5A with 30 points.

This week's class winners are 3D with 35 points and 5A with 37 points.

Well done to all these classes. Especially 5A winning 2 weeks in a row.


Kindness Award:

This week Miss Mikhael wanted to hand out a kindness award. This is awarded to Lennox in year 6. This is what she said "Your kindness and helpfulness is not overlooked, kindness is doing what you can, where you can, with what you have."  This award is for your exemplary action and display of integrity. 



Teachers and school student leaders are always on the lookout for people displaying acts of kindness. 

Clean Up OLPS Day (Friday 1st March)


On Sunday 3rd of March, it is Clean Up Australia Day. This day promotes conserving our environment and eliminating litter and ending waste. On March 1st we are celebrating Clean Up OLPS Day. We want to eliminate litter and end waste at our school.


On clean-up day we will be encouraging nude food. Nude food is when we try to bring food with no wrappers. This will help us reduce litter in our school. The class with the least amount of waste in the bin for each year level will receive some fresh fruit or veggies from our very own veggie garden. 


We encourage everyone to stop littering and to throw your rubbish into the bins provided.


At the end of the day on clean up OLPS day the Sustainability Leaders will be going around the school yard to pick up any rubbish we see. We are hoping that we don’t have to pick up any litter. Our goal is zero rubbish in the yard on this day. We will let you know how our school goes at assembly on Friday 1st March.


From the Sustainability Captains (Hamish, Sarah, Olivia, Aliya, Alistair)



This week we interviewed two of our new full-time teachers 

Miss Tam Phi in Year 6 and Miss Chanel Romeo in Year 2.


Miss Phi:


(1) How has your time at Our Lady’s been so far?

“It’s been great, everyone's so nice and supportive.”


(2) What is your favourite food/dessert?

“My favourite food is either sushi or tacos and I love mangoes, especially dried mangos.”


(3) What is one of the most enjoyable things about being a staff member at OLPS? 

“Teaching 6D. This is my first year which means it’s very new and I’m also learning as well so that’s also a very interesting and enjoyable thing.”


(4) What are some of your hobbies?

“I used to do painting and I like doing puzzles. I also like going to the beach and walking my dog. I also think cars are cool.”


(5) What is your favourite thing about teaching?

“Just seeing you all learn and when I see my students understanding things in their lightbulb moment. Seeing this is a very big part and I like seeing the little switch that turns on in their heads saying: ‘Yes I got it!’.”


(6) What are you looking forward to this year?

“Definitely camp, camp is going to be fun and seeing you all graduating as well. I know it's a long time away but seeing you all graduate will make me so proud.”


(7) How has it been teaching full-time?

“I love it! It helps me get into a routine so I’m making better choices being a full-time teacher.”


Miss Romeo:


What are you looking forward to this year?

“I’m looking forward to teaching my first full year as a year 2 teacher.”


What's your favourite food/dessert?

“My favourite food is definitely sushi,”


What is your favourite part about being a staff member at Our Lady's?

“How welcoming and supportive the staff are and how loving the students are.”


What is your favourite sport?

“One hundred percent netball!”


How has it been teaching full time?

“It has been very busy but exciting at the same time.”


When did you start teaching?

“I started teaching in term 3 last year (2023).”



Have a fabulous weekend everyone.

See you next time!

Amelia, Ivy, Cruz & Lesra