Faith Education

Mr Ru Lameijn - Deputy Principal & Religious Education Leader


During Lent, one of the three pillars is almsgiving or the act of giving charity to another. 

At Trinity the act of helping others by raising funds for CARITAS is a yearly event. We talk to the students about the stories of the people who CARITAS has helped and who they raising funds for this year. 


Caritas is a Latin word meaning love and compassion. 

CARITAS Collection boxes

Tomorrow (Friday), you will receive a collection box via your oldest child. You can keep this collection box at your home and discuss with your children the importance of giving to help other. Our golden rule: Give only what you can, not what you or others think you should.  However small, every donation helps. 


We ask the students to bring in the collection boxes to school in a few weeks time and add it to the big collection boxes in their classrooms. 


On Behalf of the Student Social Justice Leaders, 


Mr Ru


Sacramental Program and Masses - These will also be on the calendar


Ash Wednesday


St. JamesFr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP



6.00pmSacrament of ReconciliationSt. JamesFr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP

Feast of the Holy Trinity


St. JamesFr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP

Feast of St. Ignatius


St. IgnatiusFr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP
28/07/249.30amFeast of St. Ignatius and First Eucharist St. Ignatius Fr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP
08/08/24TBCFeast of St. Mary of the Cross MackillopSt. JamesSchool lead Prayer Service

Feast of the Assumption


St. JamesFr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP
29/10/247.00pmSacrament of ConfirmationSt. Ignatius 

Fr. Tony Kerin EV and 

Fr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP


Advent Giving Mass


St. JamesFr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP

Yr. 6 Graduation


St. JamesFr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP

End of School Year Mass


St JamesFr. Trung Nguyen SJ PP

Kinds Regards, 


Ru Lameijn (

Deputy Principal - Religious Education Leader