Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues


Almighty and ever living God, you invite us deeper into your world, your people, your Lent. 

May this time be one of outward focus; 

seeking you in those we often ignore.


Dear Families,

It has been another busy and productive week at Trinity with a number of extremely hot days making it quite challenging for our children to maintain their focus especially in the afternoons and yet they are doing an amazing job to get through all the work required of them.  There have already been a couple of occassions when we have made the decision to keep the children indoors to protect them from the extreme heat. Whilst there is no set temperature at which the decision is made we will always make a decision based on the wellbeing of our children.  As always children are required to wear hats outdoors during this period and those who have forgotton their hats are asked to remain in the shade out of the direct sunlight. 


Family Welcome Night

What an amazing evening we had last Thursday as we all gathered together to welcome and celebrate our families at Trinity. The diversity of our families was reflected in the incredible and delicious array of food so generously provided on the night. I truly hope that each of us, and especially our new families, were able to create connections and a sense of belonging which will last a long, long time.  Many thanks to all those staff who helped out in the organization and preparation and of course families who stayed back to help pack up and clean up at the end of the evening. A special thanks to Issey, Hannah's dad for the beautiful photos I have shared in the video below. Many parents have already spoken to me about what might be possible next year to make this evening an even greater celebration of our families and cultures. 

Welcome Ms Ellen (Admin) & Ms Kate & Ms Alana (LSO's)

By now I am sure many of you have met Ellen, our new Admin Officer and I am sure you will all agree that Ellen will bring much energy and warmth to our front of house. Ellen and Barbara I know will be a great team supported by Viv in managing the administration of our school office. 

We have also welcomed a new LSO Ms Kate who is working with Ms Maryanne and the 3/4 class and in March we will have another LSO, Ms Alana who will join the Prep team to offer further support in that area. We are very fortunate at Trinity to have this level of extra support which many schools do not have as it definitely makes a significant difference for our children. 



Our Year 3 and 5 Students will soon take part in the NAPLAN assessments in Literacy and Numeracy. The teachers of these levels will prepare the children for these assessments and we will keep you informed of other days and times in the coming weeks. Earlier this week you would have received a letter outlining important information for parents and I have also included a link to this pamphlet below for any parent wishing to know more.




School Office Entrance

Unfortunately there are still many parents leaving school through the front office doors. This makes it very difficult for our office staff who may be taking phone calls, attending to enquiries as well as monotoring children collecting things from the office. If we could please ensure that after school, unless you need to visit the office, that you leave through the Kent Street Gates. 


Trinity 100 Years Celebration 2024 - Save the Date! Saturday March 23rd





















Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School




We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions. 



If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Mrs Foley an email. 








  • Dance Factory -  Dance Classes
  • EXTEND  - Out of Hours School Care
  • FC Melbourne X Strike Soccer Local soccer club in RichmondGet in contact to learn more! join our exciting club teams in 2024 text or call 0405 765 943 - First Year Registration is FREE


Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
