Year 7 Camp

Alexandra Adventure Resort

Alexandra Adventure Resort 

From Monday February 26th, to Wednesday, February 28th 2024, our Year 7 students embarked on an unforgettable journey to Alexandra Adventure Resort Camp. With 130 eager students and 14 dedicated staff members, our students departed from the college grounds, brimming with excitement and anticipation.

After a scenic drive, the students arrived at their destination where they wasted no time diving into the action-packed itinerary. Following a brief debriefing session and a tour of the campgrounds, students embarked on an adventure-filled three days that would leave lasting impressions on everyone involved.


The heart of the experience lay in the array of thrilling activities awaiting our students. From the tranquil waters of canoeing to the adrenaline rush of rock climbing, and the precision of archery to the frenzy of gaga ball, there was something to ignite every student's passion. The high ropes course tested their courage, while the giant swing and flying fox sent them soaring through the air with exhilaration. Orienteering challenged their navigation skills, and laser tag brought out their competitive spirit. Each group had the chance to partake in every activity, ensuring that no adventure went unexplored.

Evenings were a time for bonding and relaxation, as the students came together for various activities under the starlit sky. 


Monday night saw them testing their wits in a trivia competition, embarking on a captivating night walk, and indulging in the timeless pleasure of roasting marshmallows by a crackling campfire. On Tuesday, they settled in to enjoy a movie, creating moments of shared laughter and camaraderie.

Wednesday morning brought with it a special treat in the form of a reptile show, adding a touch of educational excitement to their farewell activities. Before heading back home, we stopped by an adventure park for a well-deserved lunch, capping off an adventure-filled journey with one final burst of fun.

But beyond the exhilarating activities and breathtaking scenery, what truly made this experience unforgettable was the sense of community and camaraderie that blossomed among our students. Every participant threw themselves wholeheartedly into the activities, cheering each other on, fostering new friendships, and creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.


As the students bid farewell to Alexandra Adventure Resort Camp, they carried with them not just memories of the adventures they shared, but also the invaluable lessons learned, the bonds forged, and the spirit of adventure that will continue to guide them on their journey through life. 


Tracey Clark

Year 7 Level Leader


Year 7 camp was so fun, it was organised so neatly and there was such a wide range of activities, ranging from: Gaga Ball, Beach volleyball, High ropes, low ropes, flying fox, canoeing and archery etc. Not only were there so many activities there was also a lot of food, we had Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. On the first night we went on a night walk where we looked for some sticks to roast some marshmallows for our bonfire, after that we rushed to the bonfire where we roasted some delicious marshmallows that were so gooey and melty inside, the next night after that we watched the movie Wish while snacking on some popcorn. We had so much fun on this camp, we got to be in cabins, do so many unique activities and even got to pat some native Australian animals. On the last morning at Alexandra Adventure Resort, we got to do 1 more activity while the other groups saw a wildlife show, there were a bunch of rare and endangered animals like:  owls, frogs, snakes, turtles, squirrel glider and even a rare spider, we also got to hold a giant python. Overall, this camp was great, there were nice people, delicious food and great weather. 

By: Ileannna C  7J