Transition News

Primary Visits, Tours & Information Evenings
The college’s transition program is working very closely once again in 2024 with prospective parents as this is an important time for many of them to select a secondary school to support their child’s academic and personal development.
Throughout March and April, ‘secondary experience sessions’ will be presented to primary schools in the local area as a means of promoting the college, its programs and students to Grade 5 and 6 students. These primary visits will also feature short presentations from our students who will further outline the successful transition program at the college; reflect on their own experiences and share a wonderful insight of their first term at Taylors Lakes.
In supporting prospective parents and students choose their secondary school, the college is staging a series of Special Parent Tours in Terms 1 and 2 to provide them with an insight of the college in operation on a typical normal day. These tours will run from 9:30 am – 11.00 am on the following days:
- Wednesday, March 6th
- Wednesday, March 13th
- Wednesday, March 20th
- Wednesday, March 27th
- Wednesday, April 17th
- Wednesday, April 24th
- Wednesday, May 1st
- Wednesday, May 8th
- Wednesday, May 15th
Prospective parents are asked to contact the college and confirm their attendance for one of these tours. Other parent tours of the college are available on request only.
A College Discovery Evening will be held on Monday April 22nd 2024 from 5:30pm – 8:00pm. This evening provides prospective parents and students the opportunity to view the fantastic college facilities, visit the Year 7 classrooms, meet the college’s teachers and students, learn about individual learning programs and student achievements and receive additional information about the college. The evening continues to be valued from the community with the high attendance once again from prospective parents and students in previous years. Student leaders play a key role in the evening acting as college ambassadors. We are always extremely grateful for the wonderful support we receive from them. We are extremely lucky to have students who are respectful, role models to their own peers and committed to their learning. Along with positive, energetic and dedicated staff, we create a centre for positive learning whereby every student, has every opportunity, in every classroom, to learn.
A parent information session for our Learning Enhancement and Advancement Program (LEAP) will occur on Wednesday March 20th 2024 at 7:00pm. Applications for the LEAP program are available from the office. As in previous years, the number of applicants grows each year and we were very pleased to see so many students seeking enrolment in our program. Prospective parents should note that entry into this program will only occur once enrolment in the school has been determined following DE's enrolment process.
A parent information session for our Football Academy (Aussie Rules & Soccer) will also occur on Wednesday, March 20th at 6:00pm. Applications for the Football Academy are available from the office. Again, prospective parents should note that entry into this program will only occur once enrolment in the school has been determined following DE's enrolment process.
For further transition information or to make an appointment for a tour, please contact the college.