Camp Year 5/6

Camp Year 5/6

Our first activity of the day was Giant Swing. This was my personal favourite from last year and my goal this year was to reach the top. Our instructor, Ava, asked for a raise of hands on who was definitely going to the top. I was adamant to go to the top so I raised my hand. I was glad that I wasn't the only one nervously raising their hand. Ava turned to me and asked if I definitely was going to the top. I said yes so she asked me to come so she could put the bulky harness on me. Once she had tightened the harness and buckled me to the hook of the swing, my legs started to shake as if an earthquake was happening just underneath me. 

“Are you sure I have to go first?” I asked as she hooked on more of the ropes and clips to my harness.

“I’m sure you will be okay, you will do well” she responded.

Once she double checked everything she walked to the end of the Giant swing and told everyone to get ready to pull me.

“3, 2, 1, PULL!” 

I got pulled two steps and the green string that I had to pull when I got to the top released! The swing swung me as I stared at my group in confusion.

“Did you pull the string?” Sonny screamed out to me.

“No! It was released on its own!” I shouted out.

“That's okay we’ll clip you back on” Ava said to me.

She waited for the swing to stop (which didn't take a long) and clipped me back on. This was the real thing now. “OK, for the 2nd time… 3, 2, 1 PULL!!” 

I slowly got pulled up the swing, daring not to look down the 18 metres. Suddenly, I stopped. I tried not to look down.

“One more step!” said Ava to my group.

I jolted upwards.

This time though, temptation dared to have a peek downwards. A rush of anxiety wept through me. Why was I so scared? I was in a safe harness and clipped onto about a million ropes. Just something about being so far off the ground scared me. 

“Ok now get ready to pull the string, everyone else, get into your stances”

All of Ava’s attention turned to me 

“Pull the string when you're ready”


From Alice