What's Been Happening?

Year 2 - Modeling God's Scultping Creation
In RE this week the Year 2 students talked about God being the potter and moulding each of us into a unique creation. They used play dough and acted as potters to make unique creations themselves! Here are some wonderful examples of their creations.
Year 3 Learning!
We have learnt about Ronita and Leaia’s life. Leaia stores water in old fridges. Caritas has helped Leaia and her family by buying a water tank.When Leaia did not have the water tank and she ran out of water she had to go to her neighbours house and carry heavy buckets.
We are learning about Handwriting and Inquiry.
We are also learning about Project Compass.
In writing,we are learning to write a narrative. A narrative is a made up story.
In Inquiry, we are learning about Habits of the mind.
I wrote about how listening is an important habit of the mind. Listening can be used for lots of great things, such as using it during class time and outside with your friends.
In maths we are learning about rounding up and rounding down!
Year 6 Learning Leadership and Teamwork out on the Water