Acting Principal's Report

Dear members of the St. Cecilia’s School community,
It has continued to be a very productive and positive Term 1, with staff and students working on their learning goals, building and strengthening relationships and developing in faith, particularly as we move through this Lenten season.
Over the past couple of weeks, the staff has been engaging in unpacking the MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Education) Flourishing Learners Vision for Instruction. This document and plan is an exciting shared vision for Catholic schools across the Melbourne region to work towards even greater levels of achievement for all learners through explicit and evidence based practice. St Cecilia's is excited about embarking on this shared journey of growing our knowledge, analysing and refining our practices to further benefit the lives of our students, and in turn grow the positive impact they will have on the world around them.
We will share more with you all on the developments in this space as we continue to learn and respond to this Vision moving forward.
Jo Weston Visit
On Tuesday we were privileged to have Jo Weston, Melbourne Vixens and Australian Diamonds netball player, come to visit us. Jo spoke to the whole school about growing up in Glen Iris and the amazing opportunities and achievements she has had in her netball career. Jo was so articulate and so generous with the kids. Her message was such a positive one and had a great impact on the kids. Jo answered some very thoughtful questions from some representatives from each class and then stayed to sign every last autograph and take every photo requested.
It was particularly special that Jo was able to share some images of herself as a young girl playing on the same local courts that many of our students currently play on and she was then able to progress to the very top level of her sport.
It was an absolute pleasure having Jo with us for the afternoon and we wish her all the best for the season ahead and the many future achievements with the Diamonds.
Jo plays Goal Defender for the Melbourne Vixens. The Suncorp Super Netball season kicks off on 13 April with the Vixens taking on Mavericks at John Cain Arena. If you are interested in getting along to see Jo and the Vixens you can purchase tickets through Ticketek.
Term Dates and Early Finishes Last Day of Term
This year as part of the school's strategy to ensure that it can meet the requirements of the conditions for staff in the latest enterprise agreement, we have made the decision to have an early finish on the last day of each term. The last day of each term will from now on conclude at 1:20pm. This will mean that students will only need to bring a snack on this day and will not need to bring or order lunch.
Camp Australia (our after school hours care provider) will be able to provide care and supervision from 1:20pm onwards for any parents who may require it.
We have also scheduled professional learning days at the start of each term, which will mean that students will resume on the Tuesday of week one each term.
Please see the dates for the beginning and end of terms for the rest of the year below.
Term 1 Last Day - Thursday March 28, 1:20pm finish
Term 2 First Day for Students - Tuesday April 16
Term 2 Last Day - Friday June 28, 1:20pm finish
Term 3 First Day for Students - Tuesday July 16
Term 3 Last Day - Friday September 20, 1:20pm finish
Term 4 First Day for Students - Tuesday October 8
Term 4 Last Day - Tuesday December 17, 1:20pm finish
2024 School Fees
As published in the newsletter at the end of last year our school fee rates are as listed below. As is noted on the invoices that were sent home with the students earlier this term, you can elect to pay the fees termly or annually.
Will also note that on the invoices this year that the Curriculum Levy is broken down into several components;
- a student levy - which covers classroom materials, classroom programs, individual student stationery and technology software and hardware costs.
- an excursion levy - this covers class based incursion and excursions
- a swimming and water safety program levy - this covers the intensive swimming program costs for F-4 and the Sailing and Water Safety programs run in year 5/6.
- For the senior classes there is also a hooptime levy
The student levy is discounted from year 3 onwards for students that are now part of the BYOD (bring your own device program) to partially offset the cost of the device.
The fees are increased annually in line with the rates determined by the levels of government funding the school is entitled to.
If you have any further questions about school fees, please do not hesitate to make contact.
1 child $3,060.00 $765 per term
2 children+ $4,600.00 $1150 per term
Capital Levy $200.00
Per family per annum payable in Term 1
Curriculum Levy - Per child per annum payable in Term 1
Prep to Year 2 - $850 per child
Year 3 to Year 4 - $815 per child
Year 5 to Year 6 - $875 per child
A reminder that fees payable for Term 1 are due today.
School Swimming Lessons Program (F-Yr4)- March 12 - March 22 (Excluding Weekends)
Our swimming lessons begin this coming Monday. You should have received detailed information via our school app. Thank you to the vast majority of families who have completed the online permission form. If you are yet to do thi please click the link below and complete immediately.
The note sent out details what the students need to bring with them and wear during the program. If you have any other concerns or questions please make contact.
NAPLAN 2024: March 13 - March 18 (repeat)
Our Year 3 and Year 5 students will be completing the NAPLAN testing from March 13 - March 18. These national standardised tests in literacy and numeracy provide valuable information to teachers, parents and the school about both individual and cohort performance. It is important to understand however, that these individual tests are not comprehensive measures of student performance, rather are a single snapshot of how a student does with the test on a particular day. We want all our students to do their best, but do not want them to be unduly anxious or stressed about the process. You can read more about NAPLAN by clicking on the link below.
Year 3 and Year 5 students will have assessments next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with the Year 3 completing their final assessment on the following Monday. If students are going to be away during this period, please make sure that you inform your child's teacher.
There will be the opportunity for students who do miss assessments to take part in catch up session in the following week
STEAM Room Construction Update
Our new STEAM room is really taking shape now. We are very excited that our teachers and students will soon be moving into this new space. In the last weeks of this term and over the holidays the final touches will continue to be added.
We are looking for a new name for our new technology and art center and would like to invite parents and students to share any suggestions they might have via the Google form linked below.
Masterplan Development
Some of you may be aware that in conjunction with MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools) and the School Advisory Council, the school started the process of developing a new building masterplan to further enhance and accommodate the evolving needs of our school community.
Late last year we engaged the services of an architect firm and developed a submission to create a new junior learning complex that would replace our current Year 1 and Year 2 buildings. This submission was put forward for a Federal Government grant. We will be notified of whether this submission is successful or not in June. We are very excited to be able to share more with you about this project in the coming months.
Cancer Council March Charge
A big thank you to all those who have signed up or donated to Team St Cecilia's for the Cancer Council March Charge.
Remarkably our team has already raised almost $1900.
Students are not allowed to have or use internet enabled devices (other than their Chromebooks) during the school day. This means that mobile phones may not be used during the day, and that if a student does have one that it is kept in their bag or given to the teacher to look after.
Smartwatches must be in 'school mode' and parents are not to communicate via these devices to their children during the day. All communication with your child during the school day must go through the school. Any students found using an internet enabled device at school will have it confiscated and sent home and asked not to bring it back.
Please make sure that you check out the rest of the newsletter for important information about all the goings on around the school and if you haven't yet, please follow our instagram for great up to the minute updates of the special moments taking place around our school.
Matthew Mooney
Acting Principal
St Cecilia’s Primary School