Senior School

Gratefully Remembering God as We Begin Our Journey
The 2024 College calendar takes pride of place in my office. Pinned to the wall across from my desk, the calendar highlights what is to come, and at the end of year, outlines the long and fruitful road that has been travelled. When I look through the veritable sea of dates, events and reminders, at the start of the year, I am always amazed that we were able (once again) to pack so much into each semester and I must admit, that I find myself at times letting out a quiet sigh when I see that there is so much ahead.
In Term 1 alone, we have planned to run four information sessions, three camps and a VCE retreat. There are various lunches and morning teas, House meetings, House Swimming, House Athletics, a barbeque for Year 7 parents, Parent Teacher Interviews (face to face and online), NAPLAN, swim trials, an Investiture Assembly, numerous excursions and incursions alongside near countless special events that each contribute to the cultural fabric of the College.
When I remember myself, I am promptly reminded of the Song of Ascent that we find in Psalm 133. The psalm recounts that the Israelites sang as they travelled from their tribal lands all the way to Jerusalem as they were commanded by God. Imagine if you will, millions of people from various tribes undertaking a week-long journey on foot with their children, animals, tents and provisions. This journey was made without any modern conveniences, and without air conditioning beneath a blistering desert sun. My head swims when I just think about the logistics, and the College calendar seems to shrink is size by comparison.
The Israelites made this journey three times a year, and what is of note, is that as they winnowed their way towards the capital, they did not sigh, or grumble or grouse. Rather, they were hopeful and sang out in triumphant praise and offered it as a sacrifice for all that God had done and set aside for them. The journey brought all the peoples of Israel together in an act of collective praise as they approached God with a song in their heart that was upheld by a spirit of thankfulness. The Israelites did not regard the journey as a labour or a chore, they saw it as a means whereby they were able to reaffirm their connection to God. When they arrived in Jerusalem, they each partook in a great feast to gratefully remember for His provision, His protection and the great charge that He lay ahead the nation of Israel.
Psalm 50:23 promises that
The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies Me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God.
God wants to be remembered in our work, and to be directly connected to our gratitude and thanksgiving. No matter how long or pressing a journey may be, gratitude knits our hearts to God and sets our work aside for Him. Gratitude of itself is an act of remembrance, it connects us to God and compels us to obey Him as we follow the path that He has set before us.
So when we look at our crowded calendar, we give thanks to God for all that He has set aside for us. We are grateful for the work and the opportunities that we have been given, and we give thanks that we are part of a community where we may dwell together in unity and offer our time and efforts to God in sacrifice.
Confirmed Upcoming Events - Term 1 2024
Date | Event |
19 February to 22 February | Year 10 Camp |
21 February to 23 February | Year 11 Camp |
29 February | House Athletics |
1 March | Year 7 Parent BBQ |
7 March | Parent Teacher Interviews (Face-to-Face) |
8 March | Parent Teacher Interviews (Online) |
11 March | Labour Day Public Holiday |
13 March to 15 March | NAPLAN - Year 7 and 9 |
18 March to 28 March | Year 9 City Cite |
19 March to 21 March | Year 7 Camp |
28 March | End of Term 1 |
29 March | Good Friday |
James Avram
Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School