What Did You Do At School?

Wow! We have had an exciting start to our beginning of school! Our days have been busy with learning how to hold a pencil, exploring numbers, and learning the words cat and ant. We have met lots of new teachers and ventured to many different learning spaces. Meeting our Big Buddies was so much fun, and we are looking forward to spending more time with them. Next week, we will start staying at school for the whole day! Thank you to our beautiful families for your support, love and care as we continue to understand new routines and experience new learning.
Year 1
Wow, we have started the year with a blast! We were super excited to investigate new play areas, including the grass area, Year 1 playground, and sandpit. We have settled into our classroom routines and are learning to be independent learners. We are establishing new friendships with our class peers and have been engaged in new subject areas, such as Science. We pray that the year will be fruitful and full of many rich blessings and lots of fun and engaging learning.
Year 2
We have been excited to start the year with our brand-new teachers! This term, we will investigate our unique identity through the Growing Older and Wiser unit. We have explored how we can be good friends to others, and we saw how unique each of us is by looking at our fingerprints. Our teachers are looking forward to watching us grow and learn throughout the term.
Year 3
We have had a tremendous start to Year 3! It has been so wonderful to get to know our new teachers, Mr Moran and Mrs Drew, and the members of our new class. We have loved sharing stories about our holidays, our experiences of the first day of school and what we are looking forward to this year. During Integrated Studies this term, we are learning about our identity, what makes us unique and things we can do to stay healthy. We have discovered things which are a part of our ‘identity equation’ and are excited to discover more about who God has made us to be.
Year 4
It’s been a terrific start to the year! We began preparing to learn more about each other in our Integrated Studies unit, Game of Life. We will be looking to create a board game with cards reflecting different aspects of what we believe and who we are. Learning about each other and reflecting on our different characteristics will be exciting. We also had the opportunity to lead the Junior School in worship at Chapel. We have loved singing praise to God together as a cohort and are excited to learn more about Him this year.
Our teachers, believe 2024 in Year 4 will be our best year yet, and are very excited to be making this journey with us and our families!
Year 5
We are off to an exciting start! Day 3 of our school year was particularly exciting as we met our instrumental teachers and were able to take our new instruments home. We look forward in the coming weeks for the noises we are making to turn into notes. It was great fun to meet our little buddies in Year 2. This will be an outstanding opportunity for us to practise our growing leadership skills to help our buddies walk by faith and not by sight. It is clear from the start we have had, that Year 5 2024 is going to be amazing!
Year 6
We have so much to look forward to this year! We are taking the responsibility of leading the Junior School seriously, knowing that our actions set an example for the younger students. We are thoroughly enjoying our new classrooms and have settled into our daily routines smoothly. Special programs like 5/6 Sport, Instrumental Music and ensembles have already begun and are an excellent addition to our education. Mr Gaiser and Mrs Bradshaw are very proud of the fabulous start we have had and how we are living Psalm 133: 1 of How good it is when God’s people live in unity.