Student of the Week Awards
Presented 2/2/24
Student of the Week Awards
Presented 2/2/24
This award goes to Luca for being a polite and considerate class member who always uses his manners. He contributes his wonderful ideas in our class discussions, deminstrating respect and fantastic listening skills. A great first week in Grade 1! Well done Luca!
This award goes to Kirk for the fantastic contributions he has made to class discussions. Kirk has shared some wonderful ideas about how to make our learning community great in 2024. Well done Kirk!
This award goes to Hannah for making an amazing start to grade 3. She has consistently displayed her HEART values in the classroom by respectfully listening, following instructions and including others. Her attitude to school will take her far. Keep up the great work, Hannah!
This award goes to Sophie for showing the HEART Value of Acceptance this week. Sophie has welcomed a new student to our class and has demonstrated friendship and kindness. Well done Sophie!
This award goes to Harlan for making a fantastic start to the year. I am so proud of the effort you have put into the Learning Community activities this week and I can’t wait to see all that you will achieve this year! Awesome work Harlan!
This award goes to Jayden for being an amazing participant during our class discussions. Your contributions show your understanding of the topic and are a wonderful benefit to your peers. I enjoy hearing your thoughts and ideas. Well done Jayden!
This award goes to Noah for outstanding transition that he has made into Year 5. He is quickly learning the expectations and routines of our classroom and is setting a wonderful example for his peers. Wonderful effort Noah! I am so excited to be your teacher this year!