




F1MMandy, Dee and SharynMatilda MHelping others succeedYou are extremely kind, helpful and respectful to everyone you meet. This was especially evident when Courtney was in our classroom and you helped her find everything. 
2NWNatalie and JacintaCarter EDo your BestCarter, you have been an absolute superstar! You have done your best with everything this week, in particular your Handwriting. You have shown kindness to your peers and been so helpful around the classroom! Keep up the great work!
34BBecBon DDo your bestBon you have settled into Year 3 beautifully! You show your classmates kindness and understanding with everything you do. You are helpful when a friend needs you and you always try your best with your class work. You aced your independent work tub this week, well done! We all think you are a BRAVE super star!
34KKylieEilidh MHelp others succeedWhat a wonderful young person you are Eilidh - a great friend to all, who is both accepting and considerate of others and always ready to offer help!  I can rely on you to make responsible choices in our classroom, and your positive attitude, dedication and persistence to your work make you a fantastic role model. It is a pleasure having you in our class.
56SSonyaMarli BDo Your BestFor the positive start to the year. You have been taking pride in the setting out of your work and thinking through any tasks undertaken. It has been great to see the care you are showing. Keep it up!
56DDanielWinter FDo Your BestFor making a brilliant transition back to Menzies Creek. You certainly have brought lots of laughter and joy into the classroom. 
PE Kate WF1MHelp others succeedI was so proud of every single one of you in PE this week. You all did fantastic listening, great teamwork and were supportive of everyone in your class. Keep up the great work!
Visual ArtsKate WZachary EDo your best Wow, what a wonderful James Rizzi inspired artwork you completed this week. Your use of line and colour was fantastic. Keep up the great work!
AuslanAmyAntony  Z Do Your BestYou impressed me so much with your attempts to communicate with gestures (pointing) and facial expressions.  Well done.