Gemma's Message

St Stephen's & St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Principal

Dear families and friends 


A very warm welcome to you all. We are thrilled to be back and we are excited to get into the 2024 school year. I hope you have had a joyful summer full of sun and fun. 


We have had an amazing start to the year. We thank you for your support in this. Our staff focused on the following:


Day 1. 

Connection and relationships 


We connected on Wurundjeri land at ACMI -  Australia's national museum of screen culture, located in Fed Square, Melbourne. Navigate the universe of film, TV, videogames and art with us. We explored light and shadow and video game making to engage children. 

Following this experience we walked Birrarung Marr with Peter Hood. Peter Hood (Kurnai / Yorta Yorta) is a multidisciplinary First Nations artist and cultural educator based in Melbourne. Peter is also the Dad of Alexander in Prep. Angelina and Peter alongwith their boys joined our school community this year.  Peter shared his story and his art with us at the Koorie Heritage Trust. We felt a strong sense of privilege listening and hearing in this space. 


Day 2. 


Introduction of our year story My Garden by Kevin Henkes


We continued our learning with the Berry street Educational model - wellbeing strategies for all. 

The two domains to complete our formal training in this area were:


The STAMINA domain helps students overcome adversity, embrace opportunities for growth, and stay engaged in learning over extended periods of time. Focus areas include Growth Mindset, Emotional Intelligence, Resiliency, and Stamina for Independent Learning. 


The ENGAGEMENT domain highlights the importance of providing learning experiences that trigger interest, have a purpose, are relevant to the student’s own ambitions. 


Day 3. 

Pedagogy - how and why in Education 


Creation of our hub names - influenced by “Birrarung Wilam” by Aunty Joy Murphy and Andrew Kelly


We analysed the new Maths Curriculum - creating the progressions for Learning

We explored Faith - the complexities and stories in our community. 

High impact strategies for teaching - we are focussed on collaboration, explicit teaching and progressions of learning - knowing where we are, where next. 


Our days were ‘packed’ with Learning - I personally felt the enthusiasm and the eagerness of all. Educators spoke of joy, success, love, compassion, achievement. I want to thank all of our staff for entering this learning space with curiosity and wonder. 


These days directly benefit your child/ren. Again, thankyou for your support.


We begin the year with our days of joy. We will focus on building community and connection. Watch our socials and emails for the many happy snaps. 


This month we will celebrate coming together in our first Liturgy. Our Liturgy is a gathering time - please join us if you are able to on Friday 9th February at 2.10 in St Gabriel’s hall. All children from Prep to Year 6 will attend this Liturgy. 


We will also share a prayerful time on Ash Wednesday - On Ash Wednesday, Christians all over the world will stop to celebrate this very first day of the Church season called Lent. 


On Ash Wednesday, many Catholics receive the ashes, which are traced on their foreheads to remind them that they are disciples of Jesus and that this six-week season of Lent is a time to give special attention to prayer and acts of service. 


We pray, 

Open our eyes and ears, so we may see and hear the goodness that surrounds us and the needs of your most vulnerable. Most importantly, open our hearts, so we live with compassion and kindness, not only in these Lenten days but each day. We especially pray for the people affected by extreme weather conditions  and the people hurting from war and injustices.


Bring peace, comfort, strength and renewed hope. 





We will celebrate Holi with our colour run at Edwardes Lake, Holi is a popular and significant Hindu festival celebrated as the Festival of Colors, Love, and Spring. Please see dates to save this date.

Change to - CAMP PROGRAM 


Our camp program consists of:


Prep breakfast 

1/2 stay for dinner 

3/4 - we previously had a sleepover at school, due to fire safety changes - we are unable to stay in a school building over night - therefore we will have a LONG camp day for example 8.30am - 8.30 pm - we hope to move this to a camp in 2025 

5/6 CAMP - 3 days, 2 nights at an organised camp facility.


We look forward to seeing you all at our WELCOME PICNIC 

