Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dismissal on Wednesday is at 1:00pm


Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,

This is our final newsletter for 2023. What a wonderful year it has been. I would like to acknowledge with genuine gratitude the partnerships that make our school a productive and enjoyable working environment, our parents, students and staff together. 


2023 Highlights


It is always hard to pinpoint school highlights for a year, as these will inevitably vary between students and families. It is certainly hard to choose from the myriad of engaging learning expereinces, our fantastic Art show or when the dinosaur egg hatched in Prep! However, I think the actitivies that can be grouped under the heading of ‘building connections’ would have to win out. The choir’s participation in the Boite massed choir was incredibly moving, as were the times when we could more actively involve our community in learning- the Year 5 Migration and Innovations unit, the Year 6 Gratitude Market (which raised $6,389.60) and the Prep Museum from earlier in the year, are some great examples. Our recent End of Year / Christmas Family Picnic was another example.


Over the past fortnight we will have had:

  • Whole school transition
  • Introduction of 2024 student leaders
  • OSHC Breakfast
  • Year 6 Graduation Activity day and Evening
  • Acknowledgement of 2023 student leaders
  • Year 6 Market Days – Raising funds be shared with four charities
  • Prep Breakfast and end of year celebrations
  • Year 1 activity night and Year 2 Day Camp
  • Year 5/6 Epping Leisure Centre

Thank you and farewell to our Year 6 students


At Assembly last week, we presented the 2023 student School Leaders with a gift on behalf of school Council and EEPS teachers with whom they have worked.  We congratulate our leaving Year 6 students for their effort, behaviour and sense of enjoyment in their learning, even with the challenges of the last few years. 

The Year 6 Graduation Activity day and evening last Friday was a great success. It was a special way for the students to celebrate the end of their primary school years. The activity day consisted of morning games, special morning tea, Subway lunch then afternoon activities. The evening started with our Year 6 students arriving to the BER to a red carpet and delicious dinner. We then had the official ceremony in the Hall with the Graduation certificates and lots of grateful and inspiring speeches. This was followed by an opportunity for parents and carers to mingle in the BER with the Year 6 students. A massive thank you to the Year 6 teachers and the Graduation Committee. Thank you to the many parents who expressed their gratitude to the school for the Graduation day and ceremony, but also to the last 7 years of care and nurturing.


Our highlight this week is the 


“Passing of the Keys Ceremony”


Parents and friends are most welcome to join us


Wednesday 20th December at 9:00am on the school oval


The Year 6 students have prepared golden keys of advice to symbolically pass on the school culture to the Year 5 students. We invite families for whom this is their last EEPS assembly to join the students and teachers as they walk through the Year 5 “guard of honour”.  A light morning tea for parents will follow in the Rotunda for parents. 

At our final assembly tomorrow morning we will officially farewell the following EEPS staff; Lizz Yaccoub, Stephanie Crevatin, Genevieve Keogh, Rachel Shopf. We will wish Katie Carson all the best as she embarks on Family Leave. Congratulate Arlene Crouch and Kerry Buswell as they retire from EEPS and from their long careers. Lastly, we will wish David Tyndall well as he takes up a short-term position as Acting Principal of Eltham Primary School.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Support over the holidays


We know, that for some students and families, life has its challenge. In every year some have thrived whilst others have struggled. In order to assist students and families over the school holidays the Department has created a factsheet which we have attached to the Newsletter. It is also attached to our EEPS Website under the tile, ’Our Community’, ‘First Aid and Wellbeing at EEPS’. Please don’t hesitate to make use of these resources.


Important dates for Term 1 2023


Please make a note of these key dates for Term 1-

Start of the 2024 school year- Tuesday 30th January

Flag pole assembly (Year 1-6)- Monday 5th February

Open afternoon and meet the teacher- Tuesday 6th February 2.40-4.50 pm

Prep Information Night- Tuesday 13th February at 7.00 pm

Curriclum Day- Friday 8th March

Movie Night- Friday 22nd March

Variation to School Hours Day- 3 Way Conferences- Monday 25th March 


There aren’t the words to adequately express our gratitude to our parents and carers for your tireless support this year.

On behalf of the school I wish you all a happy and safe Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing all our returning students on Tuesday 30th January 2023. 



Warren Lloyd
