Principal's Message
Dear Families,
A very warm welcome to all in our community as we start the 2024 school year. It was wonderful to welcome all our year 1-6 students this past week. We look forward to our Foundation/Prep students joining us next Wednesday 7th of February. We wish all our Foundation/Prep students the very best for their first day and the coming year and extend a very warm welcome to all our preps and their families.
Staffing Update
Over the Christmas holiday break, we interviewed for two Education Support Staff positions, and I am pleased to announce that we have hired Sue Marshall, Sue was already working with us in the junior school.
In addition, we hired Shelley Spark who is new to the Education Support role and is very excited by the opportunity to learn and work alongside our students and staff. We welcome both Sue and Shelley to our team.
We have received communications that Ciara Stewart has secured a position at Riddles Creek Primary School.
We wish Ciara well in her new role and thank her for her contributions at Kismet Park.
Curriculum Days – 29/1 and 30/1: This week on our Curriculum Days our staff undertook extensive professional learning in preparation for the 2024 school year. On Monday 29/1/24 our staff had an opportunity to discuss our 2024 goals and targets (Annual Implementation Plan) including our key improvement strategies. Our Assistant Principal presented our school’s Start Up, Instructional Model and our expectations around the Agreed Practices. Our Wellbeing Team presented an overview of our school’s School Wide Positive Behaviours practices and an overview of the Resilience Project that includes our social and emotional curriculum. On the Tuesday all teachers had time to set up classrooms and to meet in teams in preparation for the start of the new school year. We thank all our families for your support of our Curriculum Days.
School Assemblies: Our school assemblies will be held on a Friday every fortnight in our school gym from 2:30pm. We welcome all our families to our assemblies to celebrate the week and the learning our students have experienced. Our first whole school assembly will take place next Friday 9th of February starting at 2:30pm.
Meet the Teacher ‘Getting to Know your Child’: Information re bookings for our initial Meet the Teacher “Getting To Know Your Child” has now been placed on Compass.
The date for our initial Meet the Teacher is Tuesday 13th of February from 3:30pm – 8:00pm.
Parents of students in 6D (Mr Mann) have been informed of a change of date for their Meet the Teacher. 6D families will have an opportunity to book in with Mr Mann on Thursday 15th of February from 3:30pm-8:00pm.
These are brief meetings with a scheduled time of 10 minutes where parents/carers have an opportunity to share information about their child.
School Policies: Our school website includes many relevant policies that are applicable to all students, parents/carers and visitors. Please click on this LINKto take you to our School Policies page on our school website.
I would like to thank our staff for their efforts in preparing the learning environment for our students. Thank-you to our community for your continued support.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.