Principal's Post

Dear Families,
I hope you enjoyed a fun time, making the most of the beautiful weather over the weekend. And Happy St Patrick's day to all of those in our St James community with Irish heritage. I'm sure you celebrated well yesterday!
Despite lower numbers than expected, we achieved some very satisfying results at Friday afternoon's working bee. Achievements included; painting half of our Art Show boards, moving mulch to our lower adventure playground, cleaning the chook shed, restoring our veggie patches, preparing our composting area for new bins and cleaning many of our spouting areas.
Thank you to the following families and apologies to those who were there whose name did not make it to the sign in table; Cleary, Cope, Height, Stewart Brotja, Bacus, Winter, Phi, Holmes, Savoir, Sinclair, Weeks, Lovick.
Thanks also to Jo Magnik who led the cleaning of the chook shed and Anita Dell'orso for helping coordinate the working bee, cooking the sausages and providing cold refreshments.
St Patrick's Day Mass to Celebrate Catholic Education Week
Last Friday Mr Josh Crowe took 10 of our Year Six leaders into St Patrick's Cathedral for the annual school students mass to commence celebrations for our Catholic Education Week.
Click onto the Education in Faith page for a reflection by the students and a few pics
National Ride2School Day - This Friday!
This Friday is Australia's biggest celebration of active travel and a great opportunity for all students; National Ride2School Day!
We invite and encourage all families to spend some extra time commuting to school on Friday morning via an active method of transportation: walking, riding or scooting. This is a great chance to promote a quieter, more environmentally friendly and active method of getting to school.
It would be fantastic to completely fill our bike shed and see as many students participating as possible (consequently easing the traffic on Centre Road!). We have a number of natural pathways connecting near our school that families can make use of for a greener commute - Dandenong Creek Trail, Eastlink Trail and Heatherdale Reserve.
If you live further away, you may like to pack a bike in the boot and drive part of the way to school (and finish the trip on foot/bike). Last year, schools participating in Ride2School day saved carbon emissions equivalent to planting over 200 trees!
Learning Conferences
Bookings are filling fast for these opportunities for both students and teachers to provide parents with feedback about their children's learning. Learning Conferences at the end of Terms One and Three compliment our School Reports at the end of Terms Two and Four to provide regular feedback to parents regarding student growth; academically, socially and emotionally.
It is an expectation that all parents make the time to attend the Learning Conference in person, together with your child. We have made some online sessions available on Thursday for those families who are unable to attend in person. If you have not already booked your session, please do so by Friday.
End of Term Reminders
Please note the following dates and times for the end of this term and early next term.
Wednesday 20 March: First Eucharist Parent/Child Evening at St John's school 5.30 - 6.45pm
Friday 22 March: Palm Sunday Prayer Service at 2.20pm
Monday 25 March: Whole school Holy Thursday Prayer Service at our morning assembly
Tuesday 26 March: School as usual
Wednesday 27 March: Whole school Good Friday Prayer Service 1.30pm. Dismissal at normal time. Learning Conferences commence 3.40pm - 7:00pm
Thursday 28 March: Learning Conferences commence 8.30am - 11:30am
Monday 15 April: First day of Term 2
Thursday 25 April: ANZAC Day holiday
Friday 26 April: School Closure Day - paying staff back Time in Lieu
VACPSP Conference
I will be heading to Lorne on Tuesday afternoon to attend the Victorian Association of Catholic Primary School Principals Conference which is held every second year. The theme of this year's conference is "Think, Engage, Lead: with Strength." I look forward to being back at school on Friday.
Emmaus College Primary Campus update
MACS have officially announced that Emmaus College will launch a primary Prep - Year Six Campus on the current Holy Saviour school site in Vermont South commencing 2025. Students from Holy Saviour and St Timothy's Forset Hill will be the first students enrolled. St Timothy's is set to become the Emmaus College Year Nine Campus.
This will not affect our St James community or students in any way. St James will remain a feeder school to Emmaus and St James students will remain on the priority entry to Year Seven list.
Here is a copy of the letter sent to parents of the three schools.
Chooks need your help
I am looking for families to help out on the farm over the break. It's only for two days and your kids will love it. Please email with your preferred dates if you can volunteer your time. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Enjoy a great week ahead!