Fern House

Welcome back to Fern House in 2024! It has been a whirlwind start to the year with all students beginning their learning program very smoothly.
Student assemblies have seen students introduced to the theme of our year, which is making ‘every minute count’. It has been pleasing to see most Fern students putting this into practice as they have adjusted well to our new day structure of five periods.
On our first day of the year, we welcomed back both Year 7 and Year 12 students. Both groups were excited for different reasons, with our Year 7s starting their learning journey at Dandenong High School and our Year 12s entering their final year of studies. It was a highlight to have a combined session at the end of the day with both groups, where they interacted positively around sharing their thoughts on the year ahead.
We are currently in the process of selecting our student leaders for our SRC in 2024 and I look forward to working with them around ensuring Fern is a thriving and inclusive community. New student leaders will be working with our House Captains, who are Nazia N and Ali Sina A. I want to congratulate them on their appointments.
There are a number of new staff that we have welcomed into Fern House for 2024. They have already begun to bring new and positive contributions to our House and its culture. I thank them for the great start they have made in Fern. I particularly want to acknowledge the addition of Ms Debbie Baulch as the new Assistant House Leader in Fern. She is a welcome addition to our House Leadership Team.
The House competitions begin soon with the Swimming Carnival on Monday 26th February. I hope to see as many Fern students as possible participating and enjoying the day and for this spirit to continue into the Athletics and Chorales competitions later in the year.
Welcome back to school in 2024 Fern House!
Jeremy Penhale
Fern House Leader
Meet the Fern House Leadership Team!