Banksia House

A new school year begins and it is quite the new year for many of us in Banksia House.
Our newest additions to the House, our Year 7s, have continued to further develop connections that started during Orientation Day last year. The group actively participated and engaged in their first week of high school by taking part in several activities and experiences specifically designed to familiarise themselves with their new class, new House and new school. This included meeting our Year 12 students in Banksia as well as an excursion to Lysterfield Park to celebrate the end of their first week. Opportunities for our Year 7 students to engage further with the school community continue with the Year 7 Picnic in Term 1 and Year 7 Camp in Term 2.
Our most senior students, our Year 12s, have also commenced this year with a targeted focus on both the importance and privilege of this year, their final year of high school. This included attending assemblies and sessions regarding the year ahead, setting expectations and getting familiar with their subjects. There too was an opportunity for celebration at the end of the first week of the term with an excursion to the Melbourne Cable Park. Our students were noted for their exceptional behaviour on the day and their embracing of the purpose of the day. We'd also like to congratulate Jay and Shadman, our Banksia House Captains for 2024!
As the term - and the new year - begins to 'lose' its new feel, routines and rhythms establish. In Banksia House, this has been demonstrated by a settled, calm and happy space where both students and staff are working together to foster and strengthen an already positive learning environment.
As mentioned at the start of the article, this has been a new year for many in Banksia House. For students, not only in Year 7, but for those joining us from other schools in Years 8-12. It is also a new year for many staff, both teaching staff and educational support staff, many of whom are also joining the wider Dandenong High School community. In addition to this, the Banksia House Leadership Team is itself new with a new House Leader starting this year, along with an Assistant House Leader who is experiencing the start to the new school year in Banksia for the first time.
With so much that is new for Banksia this year, a wonderful opportunity presents itself to contribute to and further strengthen what already is a great learning community and House. We all so look forward to working with our students, our colleagues and our community to find the best way we can all make that contribution throughout the year.
Tom Hassett
Banksia House Leader
Meet the Banksia House Leadership Team!