From the Principal

It is with pleasure and enthusiasm I welcome everyone back to 2024. A special welcome to our new students and their families, as they join our community for the first time.
Term 1 has started smoothly, and students and teachers have quickly settled into their learning. 24 new staff have joined our team this year and the school is close to being fully staffed for the first time in three years. I am confident that this, together with an initial focus by all teachers on establishing learning routines and building positive relationships, have resulted in a sense of calm, purpose and commitment to learning across the school.
“Every minute counts” is our focus for 2024 and reflects our commitment to maximise every opportunity to strengthen student learning and wellbeing. It coincides with our shift of day structure to five sixty-minute periods. While the change in bell times has confused some of us, especially those like me who have been at the school for a long time, feedback so far, particularly from students has been extremely positive. Many have welcomed the opportunity to see their teachers more regularly and believe more targeted time has benefited their learning. School Council will be reviewing the new day structure at the end of the Semester.
Changes to the delivery of the Learning Excellence program for Senior students and the opening of the Senior Studies Centre in Jacaranda have also been received favourably by students and staff. You can read more about the Senior Studies Centre, orientation programs for Years 7 and 12 and the “Challenge Days” in Week 1, later in this issue. You can also find out about some of the amazing experiences and learning that is happening around the school.
Finally, I enjoyed meeting many of our new parents at our Year 7 Welcome Picnic yesterday and also hope to connect with all our families at upcoming opportunities throughout the year.
Best wishes for a successful 2024.
Susan Ogden