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Legal Studies Excursion

Our Year 12 Legal Studies students had the opportunity to attend an excursion to the Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts in Melbourne. The first Year 12 class had the opportunity to speak to Chief Justice Anne Ferguson and hear firsthand her Honour's professional journey to becoming Chief Justice of Victoria. Students then got to observe a Supreme Court trial and gain valuable insight into our legal system. 

The second Year 12 class had the opportunity to speak to Justice Richard Niall SC and ask questions about the Victorian court hierarchy system, as well as ask his professional opinion on significant issues currently facing our justice system. Students then had the opportunity to view a real jury empanelment before making their way over to the Magistrates Court to observe more cases. 

Overall, a fantastic and engaging experience for our Year 12 Legal Studies students.  


Miss Zahirovic & Mr Burgess

Year 12 Legal Studies Teachers

Unit 1 Ancient History

In Unit 1 Ancient History, students study the development of civilisation in ancient Mesopotamia, which now occupies parts of modern Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syria and Kuwait. 


They study the development of agriculture, organised complex societies, religion and writing. They also study the development of empires and the consequences of this on subsequent periods of history in the area. In looking at these areas they analyse historical and archaeological primary sources in addition to modern historical interpretations. Clay tablets filled with cuneiform script are one of the main historical sources available for this period of history.


As an opportunity to consider how these were made, how the people of the time wrote and also how fragile some of them were, the ancient history students attempted to copy The Epic of Gilgamesh – the oldest know piece of literature. 

Clay tablet with a contract for the sale of a field and a house in cuneiform, city of Shuruppak, circa 2600 BCE.

Mr White

Ancient History Teacher