Excursion Costs

I thought it would be beneficial to explain how we charge for excursions.  There are two areas that we charge for which include Residential and Curriculum excursions.  


Residential Excursions

These excursions are included in your annual fees.  We charge $250 for Residential students and $100 for Day students, which covers after hours excursions.  This includes Busselton Camp and the cost of weekend excursions that are organised by our Residential staff.


If your fund is fully expended, we will contact you for additional funds to be paid for the cost of excursions.


We include these costs into students fees at the beginning of the year so parents don’t need to find money each weekend for excursions.


Curriculum Excursions/Courses

Throughout the year, students may attend optional excursions or we may offer optional courses such as Skippers Ticket, shearing course etc.  We will request payment upfront for these as the course/excursion arises.


If you have any queries regarding our excursions, please contact the College


Secondary Assistance Scheme

The Department of Education provides an allowance to assist eligible families with secondary schooling costs for students enrolled in Years 8 -12.  The allowance consists of two components:

  • $115 Clothing Allowance paid directly to the parent/guardian or the College
  • $235 Education Program Allowance paid directly to the College

To be eligible for the allowance the parent/guardian must hold one of the following cards:

  • Centrelink Family Health Care Card
  • Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
  • Veteran’s Affairs Pensioner Concession Card

Application forms are available from the College. 

Applications close 28th March 2024.