Middle School  - 

Middle School             Grades 3 and 4

So cool to be back at school !

What an amazing start to the year we have had. The students have all made a great start and have adjusted to their new classes and classrooms quickly and easily.


Life Ed visit to see Healthy Harold

The grade 3/4's all had a session with Harold learning to "bCyberWise".

Students discussed why games have age ratings and shared some of the things that can go wrong online and how they might be able to tell that something is not quite right. They then learnt some steps to take to help keep them safe. These included - never responding to someone you don't know, talk to a trusted adult, take screen shots, report, block, delete, turn off and enjoy a fun offline activity.

An interesting thing that the students learnt was about passwords.

Passwords that include only numbers can be hacked in about a second

Passwords with only lowercase letters can be hacked in 10 seconds

Passwords with capital letters and lower case can be hacked in 1 hour

Passwords with capital and lower case letters and numbers can be hacked in 10 hours

It will take about 12 months to hack a password that contain capitals, lowercase, numbers and a symbol.

While the best type of password to have is a password that contains a combination of at least 12 capitals, lowercase, numbers and symbols.


Holiday Snapshots


Students were asked to draw, write and share 2 favourite memories of their holidays in the reflection of the sunglasses. The students thoroughly enjoyed sharing their memories and most could not narrow it down to 2 favourites!


Important Dates

District swimming - Monday 19th February

Meet the teacher - 27th February

School Photos - Thursday 29th February 

Naplan - 13th - 20th March

Grade 3/4 Camp - Monday, June 3 to Wednesday, June 5th