Grade 1 and 2

Welcome to 2024

Meet the Teachers

Dear Grade 1Z Parents,

Welcome to a new school year! It will be a year of wonder, learning growth, not to mention, an incredible year of change…as we strive to be the best that we can be! 

My name is Ms Zanatta. It is my pleasure to welcome you and your child to Grade 1. I am very excited to be your teacher this year. I am looking forward to building a relationship with you and your family. I am excited about the anticipation of the countless milestones we will reach as a class and those you will reach as an individual. I can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store for us. Together we can make a difference! 

Hello and welcome to Grade 2 with Miss Buzzini. 

I am excited to be teaching in Grade 2 for 2024. 

A little bit about me, I have grown up in Warrandyte and been around the basketball club for many years. I love to read, spend time with family and friends and love to travel. After finishing my studies to become a teacher I lived and taught in London for two years and trave around Europe. Coming back to Melbourne I spent a year doing Casual Relief Teaching, working at a range of schools and mainly at Andersons Creek. I taught in Grade 5/6 for the following three years and continued my journey in Grade 2 last year. 

And here we are in 2024 - Grade 2 with Miss Buzzini. 

I look forward to seeing our community continue learn and grow together. 

The First Two Weeks Back

Grade 1Z participated in the Ready Steady Go Life Ed Module with special guest….. Harold the Giraffe. ‘Ready Steady Go!’ is centred around Harold’s race at the school Sports Carnival. It’s a fun and interactive learning experience where students learn the importance of physical activity and healthy choices, as well as how to identify body clues and manage emotions that arise in new or challenging situations. The grade 1 students learnt about:  What our body needs to be healthy including nutrition, water and sleep, the benefits of physical activity, identifying how our bodies react in new situations, how to manage emotions and calm down when worried or stressed and finally safety strategies in different environments.


We have hit the ground running this year with lots of activities around our school values, what we want our classroom culture to look like, feel like and sound like and we had our visit from Healthy Harold and Shy who worked with us in Growing Good Friends. Harold and Shy worked with us in communicating positively with each other, different ways we can show respect and that it is okay to not always be happy and that sometimes we can be angry and frustrated and how we can best manage that in friendships/relationships.