Foundation (Prep)

Welcome to our new Prep families! What a fantastic transition to primary school the Prep students have had. Every child has approached their new school routine with a smile and has been happy to give new things a go.


During our first week and a half, we have started reading big books together as a class. We stop and discuss the difference between letters and words, focus on the correct direction when we read and change our voice when we see bold print. We have also completed some book response tasks which included choosing our favourite character from Mrs Wishy-Washy and making a new cake for the King from The King's Cake. During handwriting, we have practised the different lines that we use for writing. We have introduced the letter C and learnt the sound that it makes.


In Maths, we have practised counting and started learning the correct formation of numbers 1-10. Students who can write their numbers beyond this are encouraged to do so and are extended. We have also looked at some simple 2D shapes and started making simple patterns.


We have attended our first school incursion with Life Education Victoria. The students and I visited Healthy Harold and learnt about healthy eating, hygiene and the importance of getting enough rest and exercise.


Please enjoy some photos of our first weeks at school.


Book Covers
Book Covers
Mrs Wishy-Washy
Mrs Wishy-Washy
The King's Cake
The King's Cake
Healthy Harold
Healthy Harold


Just a reminder that we go to Library on a Monday so it would be great if you could encourage your child to put their book back in their bag over the weekend.


I hope everyone has a nice weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week.

Mrs Callaway