2024 Matsudo Japanese Students visit

2024 Exchange visits
This year we are looking forward to welcoming TWO groups of Japanese students from Matsudo, Japan.
Our first visit will be from Matsudo City as part of a sister city arrangement with Whitehorse City. This relationship of more than 50 years is one of the longest of its kind in Australia.
On Thursday 14 March, we will be welcoming 10 students with ages ranging from 13 to 17 years old.
We are seeking expressions of interest from students within the College to act as “buddies” for the week that the students will be visiting Koonung. The students will be hosted by families outside of the College community.
Some duties of “buddies” will include:
- Greeting the Matsudo students on arrival at school each day
- Assisting the Matsudo students to find their way around the school.
- Attending regular classes accompanied by a Matsudo student.
- Introducing the Matsudo students to friends during breaks at school
- Helping the Matsudo students order lunches at school.
- Accompanying the Matsudo students on an all-day school excursion to Healesville Sanctuary
If you are interested in becoming a “buddy” during the Matsudo student visit, please contact Ms. Poulton via email by Monday 19th February: mia.poulton@education.vic.gov.au
In Term 3 this year, approx.10 students will be visiting from our sister school, Matsudo Municipal High School. We have a reciprocal arrangement with our sister school which alternates every two years. This year we look forward to welcoming Matsudo students to Koonung and will provide host family accommodation as well as a week-long school experience. The exact dates of this visit are yet to be finalised, however, we are currently seeking expressions of interest to host our Japanese students visitors (from about 17th July for approx. 8 days).
In 2025, we plan to visit Japan! This time Koonung students will have the chance to immerse themselves in Japanese culture and language while spending time with a host family in Matsudo, Japan. Students will also explore parts of Japan with the tour group and attend school in Matsudo. There will be limited places for this tour and participation in Japanese student visits to Koonung will be an advantage when applications for the tour are considered. Details relating to the 2025 Japan Tour will become available a little later this year. Watch this space!!!
Some duties of host families include:
- Provision of appropriate accommodation (visiting students will require their own bedroom)
- Meals at home and for school lunches
- Assistance with commuting to/from school
- Sharing Australian culture and providing enriching experiences
- Matsudo students will attend regular classes with a host brother/sister
- Host brothers/sisters will be invited to participate in activities at school specifically organised for this event
If you have any questions about the role of a host family and are interested in hosting one of our visitors in July, please contact Ms. Poulton via email by Monday 26 February: mia.poulton@education.vic.gov.au
Mia Poulton
Domain Leader - Languages
Japanese, Mathematics and Music Teacher