Senior School

Hello and welcome to all Year 10, 11 and 12 students and parents/carers to the Koonung Secondary College Senior School for 2024. We are two weeks into the year already and we are impressed with the way our students have started this term with a focus on learning and achieving.
Firstly, I would like to introduce our team for this year. My name is Michael Harte and I am the acting Head of Senior School for Semester 1. I was recently a coordinator in the Senior School culminating in being the Year 12 coordinator in 2020 and 2021. As such I am looking forward to forming new relationships with the current cohort of students and parents/carers in the Senior School and also reconnecting with students and parents/carers who I have already had a chance to form relationships with in previous years.
The year level coordinators for this year are Glenda Hanslow (Year 12), Peter Gianpantzakis (Year 11), Alistair Tuffnell (Year 10) and Peter Scott (Assistant Coordinator). These coordinators are all returning to their positions from last year and bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding to their roles, providing a great resource for both students and parents/carers this year.
Our Senior School administrator is Allana Edgell. Allana will be the first port of call for most students and parents/carers when you contact the Senior School office for attendances, late notices and uniform, etc.
Koonung Secondary College prides itself on academic rigour but also on giving a well rounded education to our students in a safe environment. It is our role in the Senior School to work with our students and parents/carers to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students in all Year levels, by forming respectful relationships with students and their parents/carers.
We look forward to the coming year in the Senior School with much anticipation. Whether it is to see our Year 10s trying out subjects and courses before choosing their VCE subjects for next year, our Year 11s getting into the VCE mindset and knuckling down to gain the vital fundamental knowledge required for their Unit 3/4 subjects or, our Year 12s working and studying hard, enjoying their friends and making the most of the best year of their school life. Of course, there are also sports carnivals, formals, BBQs, valedictory dinners, camps, excursions, activities and whole school assemblies to look forward to so please keep an eye on Compass newsfeeds for upcoming dates.
Last Monday we held an information evening for senior school families. The power point presentation is set out below:
Michael Harte
Head of Senior School