Parents & Friends' (PFA)

Picnic on the Green
The Picnic on the Green was a fantastic start to the school year with everyone in attendance enjoying the night. The sun was shining, the snags were sizzling, and the kids had a blast. Thanks to everyone who attended and who helped with the BBQ and snow cones.
Cake Raffle
The cake raffle roster has been completed and sent out to families. This year the PFA has again allocated a family each week to make the cake for the raffle (this was drawn at random). If you are unable to make a cake the week you are allocated, please feel free to swap with another family or ask a family who is not on the list.
Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday
Thanks so much to everyone who helped to make this a special event for all the children. All students enjoyed pancakes with lots of choice for yummy toppings! Special thanks to all who volunteered on the day and the gourmet chefs who did all the cooking.
Upcoming Events
Working Bee Sunday 25th February
If you haven’t signed up for the working bee on Sunday, please log into Operoo and book in a time. The event runs from 1.30pm-4.30pm and is a great opportunity to meet other St Anthony’s families and meet new friends.
Wednesday Icy poles!!
Each Wednesday during Term 1 and 4, Zooper Dooper icy poles are sold. Cost is 50 cents each.
Mums’ Day Out 27th April
We are very excited to announce the Mum’s Day Out will be on Saturday 27th April from 5pm at The Bank Carnegie. Keep an eye out for more details closer to the time.
PFA Meeting
The next PFA meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th March at 730pm in the Padua Pavilion.
We would love to see some new faces and get some more help with event planning for the year. We hope to see you there.
The PFA Committee