
The first few weeks of school have seen the students at St Anthony’s participate in Maths testing.
This testing allows teachers to focus on each student's point of need and provide all students with opportunities to develop their mathematics skills. In the classroom teachers are working to provide meaningful, hands-on learning experiences to engage our students in all levels of the curriculum.
Daily Reviews
Last year we introduced Daily Reviews to start Maths lessons in Years 3-6. These have been a great success, ensuring students are revising different areas of Maths every day. We are seeing students become more confident in their Maths abilities and they love the daily revision.
Mathematics in the Classroom
This week the Junior classes are extending their knowlege of place value by using manipulatives and MAB blocks.
Students have been working in groups across the two Junior classrooms to extend their knowledge and participate in a range of hands on learning experiences.
It has been great start for our new Junior cohort to work together with all teachers and Learning Support Officers within the Junior classes.
The Mathematical Association of Victoria
The Mathematical Association of Victoria is a great resource for families looking to support students with maths at home. There are some great tips for supporting students, as well as games and activities to do together. I encourage all parents to check out this website for ideas to support their child.
Melanie Norton
Mathematics Leader