Food Tech Update

Jenny G's Gingerbread recipe.


Today our food tech students had great fun making gingerbread houses and used this recipe named after a very special person here at EMC.


This can recipe be used to create gingerbread people or a house. Once made cut it into whatever shape you want. 


There is enough for a small house or 10-12 people.                                                                                         `


90gms of butter

½ cup soft brown sugar

1 egg, lightly beaten

1 tbs golden syrup

¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 tsp milk

1 ¾ cup of plain flour 

½ tsp cinnamon

½ tsp ground ginger

Decorations of choice



Preheat oven to 180C  / 160 C fam forced

Cream 90gm butter with the brown sugar.

Add 1 x beaten egg, 1 tsp milk and 1 tbsp golden syrup.

Add the dry ingredients.

Flour the bench and then knead the mixture lightly. Roll out to 3 – 5 mm thickness and then cut into the desired shapes

Re-roll the left over dough and keep cutting into desired shapes.

Bake for 10 – 15 minutes, until just beginning to brown on the edges. Remove from the oven, then cool on the tray for 5 minutes.

Remove to a cooling rack and cool completely before decorating.



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