Careers Update

Congratulations to our Careers team!
The EMC Careers team were recently awarded the Maryanne Mooney Perpetual Trophy for Excellence in Careers Services.
This Trophy is awarded to member schools with outstanding career education programs. It recognises the commitment they are making to acknowledge the importance of quality career development programs for young people.
It recognises the ability to build a strong career development culture within the school through a variety of programs, and by providing its students with the skills to navigate the ever-changing world of further training, education and work.
This award is presented in memory of Maryanne Mooney, ACCE Training Manager, who established the CEAV Training unit for the association.
Maryanne Mooney’s education career spanned several decades and states. She was highly regarded in a wide range of educational settings and this award has been developed to acknowledge the need to celebrate the outstanding careers services offered by our members.