EMC Alumni 


Congratulations to Amelia Dimech for being awarded the EMC Alumni award for 2023.



Amelia has been an enthusiastic and active member of the EMC community since starting at our school in Year 7. Her teachers and peers have always held her in high regard and she has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to her studies. Amelia has worked extremely hard across all her subjects, with a strong focus on English Language. Her perseverance and determination to succeed is to be commended. 


Amelia proudly represented her peers in her role as a College Captain, taking on many projects throughout 2023 and was instrumental in advocating and organising the Whole of School Assembly that was held in September that was a great success. Her passion and organisational skills became very evident to everyone that worked with her and we know that Amelia will continue to represent her peers and hopefully the Alumni in the future.


EMC is turning 40 and we want you to join us for the celebrations!


EMC is turning 40 in 2024 and there will be many exciting celebrations across the year and we would love you to be a part of it all. Please think about registering your details so that we can invite you along! 


Please email alumni@emc.vic.edu.au with your full name and let us know the year you graduated!



Mentoring Program 2024- Calling for Mentors!!


The mentoring program for 2024 will be mapped in Term 4 ready for 2024.


Mentoring is via zoom and is a very flexible program made to suit the mentor/mentee. Mentors can be from any profession.


If you are interested in mentoring a senior student please email Lindsay Dare: lindsay.dare@education.vic.gov.au.  


Please include your current role, your availability and the year that you graduated from either EMC, Langwarrin Secondary College or Langwarrin Post Primary.


OurSchool Program


An introduction to Elisabeth Murdoch College Alumni (former students) program.


Elisabeth Murdoch College Alumni now has a program to build and mobilise the school’s alumni community, with the help of OurSchool.


OurSchool is a not-for profit service that helps public high schools build a thriving alumni network to benefit current students and the school community.


Alumni programs in private schools and universities are well established and provide huge benefits to students. Our alumni program will help us grow our alumni community to benefit our students.


The alumni program will focus on doing these key things:


· Find and connect with alumni

· Invite alumni back to school to inspire students about study and career pathways

· Create opportunities for students via alumni providing work experience placements

· Invite alumni to provide philanthropic support for students and our school by contributing to school fund-raising projects, student scholarships or gifts in wills (longer term goals)


If you’re reading this and you’re a former student of Elisabeth Murdoch College, Langwarrin Secondary College or Langwarrin Post Primary School, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with us by sending an email to: alumni@emc.vic.edu.au.


Stay tuned for more alumni news in the EMC Community Connection, on the EMC Alumni Facebook page and the EMC College website. 


To learn more about Ourschool, please go to www.ourschool.net.au

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