Principal Message

Dear Parents, Carers, and Students,
Welcome to the last edition of the EMC Community's connection for 2023.
Term 4 has been a very busy term with many events happening across the entire College.
Last week we had our annual college Valedictory, the night had 730 people in attendance and celebrated the wonderful achievements of our Yr12 cohort across VCE TP and VCE VM. Our Valedictory evening is one of the best nights on our calendar, it is an opportunity to gather with students and families of an entire cohort after six years of Secondary education. Our students talked about such various career opportunities they are keen to head into, from University placements already offered, to apprenticeships and traineeships.
On Monday Yr12 students received their ATAR and individual subject study scores, I am so very pleased to announce our Dux for 2023 was Shelby Edmonds with an outstanding ATAR of 98.75. Other top performers were Amalie Roberts, 95.9, Angus Bell 95.2, Jai Thoday 95.15, Riley Vowels 92.65. We also had a large number of students achieve ATAR results in the 80's which continues to be an exceptional achievement.
On November 18 we moved into Step Up which has been a busy time for both staff and students, however students have found the move to their next year level and change of subject re-energizing. There was a great buzz around the school in the first two weeks with all students onsite. Our 2024 Yr12 cohort were provided with an orientation into their final year and the high expectations for consistency and work ethic.
We recently completed PAT testing with our 2024 Yr 8, 9, 10 students. If you were to walk around the Senior School and witness the PAT testing in action, you would see and feel calm, students know where to go, how to sit in allocated seating under exam conditions, their behavior is exceptional. We really congratulate all students for the strong culture they are creating around assessment and doing their best.
Our meet the Principal evening was run a couple of weeks ago and was very well attended by our 2024 Yr 7 cohort. Our transition team are busy preparing opportunities for our new students in 2024, the first being their 1:1 meeting and academic testing on Tuesday 30 January.
Grade 6 – Year 7 Transition day, was held earlier this week where we had 270 students in attendance. Students got to meet their homegroup teacher, some of their class teachers and meet new friends in their allocated homegroup. They engaged in a range of different subjects and activities and the college is confident we are prepared for a great start in 2024.
Our Student Attributes Program will be moving into Year 9 next year. The focus will be around preparing student for senior school through the inclusion of careers curriculum. The subject connects the skills and qualities of positive education with the attributes that increased employability, such a strong communication, creative and critical thinking, self-regulation, and emotional intelligence. Students connect the concepts of the THRIVE framework, such as live your values, to topics like the purpose of work and why we work. Relate well is explore through understanding the challenging the stereotypes that exist in the Australian workforce and how to be inclusive to all people. Additionally, the subject supports course selection and deeply explores the students senior school pathways. Also, the second half of the year teaches the study and learning skills that support student success in senior school.
On Thursday 7/12 we held our 5th Koorie Christmas – this was was a wonderful celebration of the growth and opportunities available to our EMC Koorie students. The celebration was opened by Josh and Danny West of the Bunurong Land Council, Welcoming us to Country and doing a traditional smoking ceremony. Congratulations to Steph Raike and our Koorie students and their allies on a wonderful afternoon.
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank our parents, carers and guardians for their continued support over the last 12 months, to the staff at EMC a very big thank you for your commitment to the students and community of Langwarrin. We are a thriving school with amazing data results across 7-12 this year, this can only be achieved when we work as a strong team towards one similar goal - future pathways for all students.
Wishing you all a safe and Merry Christmas,
Kind regards,
Jodie Ashby
Acting Principal