Facilities & Capital Works
Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke
Facilities & Capital Works
Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke
Mega Swing:
As mentioned last week we are hoping that the Mega swing will be installed during the next holidays if all the stars align.
Schools Upgrade Grant No 2 $884K - Fences & Playgrounds
One goal of this project is to remove all cyclone wire fencing that still exists internally and on the perimeter of the school and replace with pool fencing. This will make the school much safer.
Currently we have Perspex sheeting at some vulnerable fence points for climbing. Where appropriate, shifting the fence line to move away from low roof access will reduce the risks.
The second part of the project involves playgrounds. Improving the drainage in PGs 3, 4 & 5 to cater for heavy rainfall is a key element of the project followed by re-surfacing of PG's 3 &5. Installing artificial turf instead of tanbark under the outdoor table near the therapy office will improve the area and reduce slipping risks. Relocating PG 2 sandpit elsewhere in the playground to reduce the slipping hazard on the adjacent path in on the agenda.
Staff can you consider what outdoor gym equipment would be suitable for PG 6. The current equipment has been well worn and is well past its "use by date" and parts are no longer available. Can you take photos of suitable equipment our students like to use when you take them on excursions etc. so we are not guessing what they would like.
Please send any ideas and comments about the fencing and playgrounds to Denise.
Gates around the school
Can staff please be aware of students and how they move through and use the gates around the school? The magnetic lock gates are being damaged by students who are pushing through the gate before they have been unlocked with a fob. If you are having an issue with a gate and students, please talk to your sub school leader and ask them to discuss the issue with me if needed.
Air conditionerscan staff please make sure AC units are turned off in classrooms and meeting spaces at the end of the day. TURN OFF the AC units in the OT room and climbing room as you leave at the end of each session.
Facilities job requests and notifications:
Log any jobs for Maintenance on SharePoint. When logging jobs please provide the exact location of the door, window etc this will allow Jacob to repair the item even if there is no staff member in the room. Logging the item in detail will enable Jacob and I to schedule the works and ensure they are completed in a timely manner.
Big Bin
The big bin will be move has been deferred. DO NOT place items around the bin. If items do not fit in the bin take them back to your classroom and advise me and I will organise for it to be emptied. The bin is emptied every Wednesday morning before school commences.
Workplace inspections & reporting items
If you have a maintenance issue in your office or room these should be reported in the Maintenance log immediately. DO NOT wait until the end of term to report these issues as many need to be rectified as quickly as possible to avoid incidents.