Secondary SS News
Hi everyone,
KEY reminders and first things to do:
- SSGs are finished. Make sure you upload your minutes.
- Make sure the maintenance template we completed late last term has been copied and pasted to the front of your maintenance program on share point.
- IEP`s start thinking about student goals.
- Excursions are due this week.
- YARDDUTY turn up on time. I understand 1 or 2 people being late. However it cant be everyone prioritise this so your fellow staff members don't miss out on break time.
Hi everyone
My name is Bill Vasilevski and I can’t wait to meet and work with everyone. I love spending time with my family and go for Collingwood Football Club, “. I have taught in many schools across Australia for over 20 years and really looking forward to my new role as the Secondary School Sub School Leader.